Unknown pins from WW2 Germany please help

Hi guys , I hope you can all help me here. I received these 2 pins a few months ago , I’m not sure what they are but I do know they are German. I would also like to know of their value because someone told me I should get them insured.

I added 4 pictures so you could tell me what they are and what the numbers on the back mean. I would also like your opinion on the condition of the pins , they look very nice to me.

Thanks a lot guys ! have a great day !!


I’m not saying this is the answer, but I bought the exact red pin from a Jewish Pawn shop about a year ago for $50 Canadian. The guy tole me that the red pin was a members party pin, thats all. If the red pin is worth more than that then I too would be happy.

The upper one is called “Leistungsabzeichen der Hitlerjugend” means Hitler Youth Proficiency Badge. If I got it right it’s the third stage (iron, for 15-year-olds). RZM (on the back side) means Reichszeugmeisterei (supreme quartermaster office), the numbers give information about the manufacturer.

The second badge is indeed the NSDAP party members’ badge.

Unfortunately I got no idea about the exact financial value. Getting an insurance however would be a bit exaggerated.

Hey Mr.Flame Mod, what ever happened to Herman Goerings Iron cross? I heard he wore the one and only diamond encrusted Iron Cross that he awarded himself. Did the wife keep it?: I bet that would be worth a lot! (next to the lampshades of skin that the Russians CLAIM they found in Hitlers residence.)

Göring’s “Großkreuz” actually wasn’t that special (no diamonds etc.). It just had about twice the size of a common Knight’s Cross, just like Hermann Göring had twice the volume of a common Knight’s Cross recipient.
No, his wife didn’t keep it, the US Army kept it. Today it’s stored in the Archives at West Point.