Every army in WWII had its own customs and strange behaviors.
Australians had their “two up” game which is now illegal, (veterans can only play it on ANZAC Day), Americans had “Kilroy was here” custom.
Russians or rather Red Army and other national units which were under soviet command, had very funny and interesting game or rather custom too.
It was called “Makhniom” which can be translated losely as “Lets swap”.
If any soldier on the Eastern front was approached by his mate, from the same or any other unit, with question - 'Makhniom" and something hidden in his fist, he could not refuse and had obligation to offer something to be swapped.
The swaps were great. It could be pocket knife swapped for the key to 12 cylinder Mercedes convertible, ex German general car.
One roll of German lollies swapped for BMW Africa motorcycle etc.
The principles of the game were:
- No one could refuse “Makhniom”.
- Only war booty or trophy was accepted - no own equipment or weapons.
(offering say one bullet for PPSh, was an unacceptable offence, but one German Juno cigarette offered for Parabellum pistol was perfectly OK.)
Do you know any other funny, unusual or strange soldiers customs?