Updates to the Site and the Forum Are Coming Soon...

Updates to the Site and the Forum Are Coming Soon, so sit tight. I am aware of several new features that you guys want, but I am also swamped with other work. I also have a waiting list of people waiting to send in hundreds of additional color photos.

ALSO, I need some help adding captions under some of the photos, so if you think you have expert WWII knowledge, please help me add captions under the photos. Let me know if you are interested. Perhaps you just want to do one category instead of all of them (smart idea).

And…I am soon break apart the albums and start making subcategories for them (e.g. Luftwaffe, Kreigsmarine, etc).

Well I will say Duncan or RighteousDuncan on here has exceptional knowledge about World War 2 + History in general. I am sure he can name lots of things I would PM him perhaps.

Mmm, you really need to get a WW2 history guy to have alook at those pics. Some can be hard to know. Also it depends how far you want to go, like you might make out that it is a spitfire, but do you want to know what type? Version III or IV? Also what country in that pic operates it, so you would have to look at the markings.

It seems that the “other work” eats him alive…

Please come back, admin!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Yeah! As I said before, I can take the moderator post. One more forum for me isn’t much… But looks it help to admin only a little. Maybe we need to organize something like “fire troop” for helping the admin? But we can’t do it without know what type of help he need and also without his presense on this site…

“Black and White” section was last changed (updated) on Friday 15th of April!! Admin was here…

And don’t show himself to us? It’s not good from him… :frowning:

Maybe he doesn’t have time to check all the messages in the forum. In fact he add few photos. That’s all.

Even not check a forum? You don’t need a lot of time to read last messages… What keep it from site in RL? Maybe big love? :roll:

I suppose that in his case we could talk about thousand new messages. :lol: :lol:

Yep… But now we are far away from discuss WW2. I think we neeed now only 2 categories:

  1. Off Topic
  2. Were is admin?

Maybe this forum is an experiment. No written rules, no moderators, admin usualy offline… :lol: :lol: :lol:

:smiley: maybe :smiley:

:smiley: It’s all funny, of course… But, in fact, I come to this forum with interest to history and WWII. Initually was so. But now, our forum begin to trasform into the circus. :frowning: Maybe we need to be more seriosly?

Agree. But we still need rules, administrator and moderators, don’t you think so?

ya I thinks so, the two main topics that are getting the most posts are “Off topic” and “Site feedback” isnt that sad?

you`re right

Hey its doing okay…38 ppl have actually taken part and about half that post on a normal basis so its still getting there. General WW2 Discussion is coming along nicely. Just give the site time.

Do you still think so? At the moment there are 111 topics dealing with WW2
With 2093 articles. Thats 61% of the total posts. Plus after doing my Gurkha house cleaning. :s

59 offtopic

31 sitefeedback which really most deal with improving the WW2 site.