Urban war in Brazil.

Stalingrad ?

Rostov ?

Monte Cassino ?

Basra ?

No man…Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo streets…






The first clip is interesting not only for the oddball firing positions but especially the use of the 7.62 Rekylgevaer.
They’ve seen generations of use and are still more than adequate LMGs.

Yea, that is an oldie, perhaps confiscated or a surplus weapon of Brazilian army.

I suppose that given the firepower of the drug dealers ( wich include grenades and grenade launchers) you just bring to battle anything that can fire fully automatic.

Confiscated RPG.

What are the firearms laws in Brazil like?

Is it a “felony” (or equivalent) to simply own a gun? Or can one buy anything with the proper registration?

And I think it should be stated that while the Brazilian police have a very tough, unenviable job. They’re also notorious for practicing social eugenics in the form of summary execution of nonviolent criminal, homeless youth…

Sorry but I dont know how the laws are. I only can tell you that the hunting is forbidden in the entire country.Yes there was some sad incidents in the past, and problably in the present too, just note the crude enviroment the the military and civilian police have to work in…the nerves…just imagine.Unfortunately the hills in wich the drug dealers operate, the favelas, are very good place for the criminals to hide and sniping anyone who try to get in.

Brazilian gun laws used to be pretty lax but were tightened up substantially about 10 years ago. At least in theory.

In practise, they’re not adequately enforced.

Nick, I hope that you arent thinking that a gun law would serve as deterrance to a criminal, that kind of people dont care about laws, they always manage their is illegal ways, nodody go to the corner shop to buy an AK-47.

Argentina for example have a very strict gun laws…thing that does not contribute to take out the illegal firearms off the hand of felons.

Incidentaly before 1972 the purchase of any, any firearm was completely free, you just needed an ID, and the crime rate was much less than todays.

Talking about “spray and pray”.http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ5CluT2Mac

By the way I just saw the new film “BOPE Tropa de elite” wich deals in a magnificent way with all this topic, I strongly recomend the movie.
