US Army war photographer color photo collection

Hello all,
Just thought I’d share our web site.

ADMIN: WEBSITE IS DEAD. (Spam website now)

Welcome and thanks to share with us!
I’m sure that ww2admin would be happy to talk to you on this matter.

OMG!!! this is the guy that got the pics of the camo M42s?..gotta get those…haven’t seen that uniform anywhere else…


great Pictures!

thanks for the feedback, sorry we let the web site lapse but we’re working on getting it running again.
we have 683 color transparancies from WWII in 8x10, 4x5, and 35mm.
my Father carried a Deardorff large format camera through the surf in the battle of Anzio , he was one of only a handful of photographers in the war to be shooting in large format Kodachrome.
we have pics of General Clark, General Keyes, Charles Degaulle, Pope Pius XII, Anzio invasion and alot more.
the color is so well preserved it is scary, the prints are amazing.
we’re looking for a permanent home for these photos where hopefully they will be preservd for future generations.

God, I can not open!

I liked them, but most seemed to be like propaganda posters of ww2 era. Not ‘real’, photos from the war… Might be wrong, I guess he might have got a job to re-touch them for the audience, they still do it for school pics, so… :mrgreen:

Anyway, I love this pic, although it’s a painting! This is what an ace looks like imho!

I hope these pics are liked, even though they are paintings, but I like them, and if there are more art pics on this thread, please point them out to me, also anything about the Brit war effort would be greatly appreaciated.

I am half Finnish and live in Finland, and on my home pc I have one or two surviving colour pics of the Finnish ww2 experience, these will duely be displayed for you…

Mr poundr.

ps, pictures of the 17pounder (or the six pounder), at gun would be great! Or even tanks having the gun (Sherman Firefly, Comet & Archer). I chose the name 17poundr, because it symbolizes the allied taking of the Nazi war techniques, and making them one better, like the 17pounder, was on par with the german 88mm, but it was a gun of the future, as it shot SABOT ammunition, and thus showed the way forward for AT shells, in Iraq in 91 and 2003 both, the 120mm ‘long rod’ dp uranium SABOT was the greatest tank killer, that the coalition ground forces had…

and dont come back! pleasing greens.jpg

b-17 flies over steam tracktor on English field.jpg



Hey man great pics!

Thanks for the tip! I will go and give a good load of pics that I have been gathering from the net mostly (and scanning a fiew from aviation mags, but only like five or so)…

My only worry is, that as you can see the paintings are from sites that try to sell prints of the original paintings…

Some I have enlargened with windows paint (usually I do about 133% larger, sometimes higher)…

So, in theory they are there for the taking, I mean if I want a pic like that on my wall, an A4 sized pic is the largest I can get away with without serious degeneration of quality, and not all pics will go fully to A4, some will be about half the size in the middle, that I cut and put in a small glass frame if it’s really good and give to a friend for fun…

And I have loads of photo’s, I gather as these are from free sites on the net that there is no problem, and some of the really nice aviation photos, have the photographers name in a corner…

So I guess they are ok for posting???

And I have literally hundreds! :shock: I love images… What can I say… :smiley:


t34 print.jpg

Marine of 1st marine div, in a firefight near palestine hotel, Baghdad..jpg


Shukoi 37 mean mother....JPG

Defending democracy.jpg

P-51Bs on june 29, 44 against fw-190s.jpg


Thanks, those are some great photo’s.