US divisions

I’ve always wondered which were the most notable US army divisions. 30th infantry, 101st airborne, 82nd airborne, and 4th armored come to mind.

But, recently, I read the combat history of the 82nd and it didn’t impress me that much. They can best regular german infantry units but not german elite like the Hermann goering panzer division, 1st SS LAH, 2nd SS Das reich.

interesting enough, 82nd provided the cadre to build 101st.

however, 4th armored is impressive, with Abrams being the leading allied ace in the ETO.

anyone know any other notable divisions? detailed histories? etc?

one of the best divisions in ww2, in my opinion was the 3rd infantry division. it was in combat for 531 straight days, and 36 of its soldiers were awarded medal of honors. when they fought in anzio, they fended off 3 german divisions, but sustained over 900 casualties, which was the most that any single division ever took in one day during ww2. the 3rd infantry participated in the invasion of northern africa, the fight against italy, and the entire campain in europe. they were active in ww2 from 1942-1945.

the 3rd infantry not only participated in ww2, but also:

ww1 (where the division gained its nickname, the “marne” because of its stand against the german attack on the River Marne)
the korean war (earned 10 battle stars, and 11 MOH)
stationed in germany germany-1958-1996
operation desert storm
fighting terrorists after 9/11
the invasion of iraq

But, recently, I read the combat history of the 82nd and it didn’t impress me that much. They can best regular german infantry units but not german elite like the Hermann goering panzer division, 1st SS LAH, 2nd SS Das reich

Any airborne divison in any army would have difficulty defeating a Armoured Division, all things being equal

true. the particular fight with 82nd airborne and 1st ss was against panzergrenadier regiment 2 that wasn’t equipped with panzers. I believe the 82nd fought the armored recon element of KG hansen, which had armored cars. Thats why the kill ratio was 6 to 1 favoring the germans.

however, they were able to slow down the SS with the superb us artillery.

Didnt the 101st hold Bastogne against armout? Or had all the Jerry moblie pillboxes run out of fuel by then?

firefly, the 101st had the armored support of an entire Tank destroyer battalion. The germans lost 20 tanks at bastogne due tank destroyers and AT ambushes.

in my analysis, I think the greatest US stand of the war was definetly 3rd infantry divisions stand at Mortain. They confused and slowed down the panzers without collaspsing like they should of. Bastogne, is overrated and mortain is underrated in my opinion.

I agree, but they did have the help of a heck of a lot of Arty at Mortain.

so did the 101st at bastogne. .They had 2 or 3? regiments of aritllery support with loads of ammo.

Mind you, when didnt they!

oh yeah. my grandfather tells me a lot of stories about that. The allies had so much material that at the very contact of a recon unit with german forces, they could draw down an artillery strike.