US Navy Building--a swastika?

Check this out…a US Navy building…now they are gonna spend over $4 million or something like that to “fix” it.

Well the Pentagon doesn’t have the best design either. The symbol is usually associated with evil. Maybe the US military should think about their building designs a bit better. :wink:

I wouldnt bother fixing it. Unless it was intentional of course.

US Navy to Alter “Swastika” Building Due to Web Maps
Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:13PM EDT
See Comments (555)
Your tax dollars at work: The US Navy will be spending about $600,000 to redesign or camouflage a 1960s barracks building in San Diego because of complaints that it looks like a swastika when viewed from the air. In the past this might have been a problem only for the occasional air traveler who happened over Coronado island, but with the advent of aerial mapping and visualization tools like Google Earth, everyone can see anything from the sky. In fact, many people have made a game out of finding oddities in satellite photos.

Now it’s one thing to see landmarks like this and snicker over a designer’s missteps 40 years ago (the Navy says it noticed the shape but that it didn’t think anyone would see it from above), but it’s another thing altogether to complain to the Navy about the shape of a building when viewed from space. But people really seem to have the time on their hands: The Navy says it’s been inundated with complaints; enough, I suppose, to justify spending that much money on new structures and extra bushes. It’s the first known case of its kind.

So what will the building look like when the job is done, I wonder? A set of four connected squares? A pinwheel formed from triangles? Post your ideas for what the Navy ought to do out of the wayward swastika here and we’ll see if we can’t pass them along to the powers that be.

LINK: Google Maps Causes US Navy To Change Its Swastika Building

It’s too late Gen;)
The “Great satan” has already begin the plan of “capturing the world” ;):smiley:


Be sure it was intentional Firefly.
Another matter is - had the building organisation the “evil aims” ot it was just a nice joke;)
It’s not secret in the beginning of the 1960 when the positions of the anti-color movenments were still strong in the America.
It might be a sign for the afro-americans and others;)

In my opinion it some kind of exaggeration.
It similar to some quite weird behaviors we used to have in Poland.
Some groups of bigot old grannies specialized themselves in finding the face of Jesus’s Mother everywhere.
Imagine the situation that after you cleaned the window in your kitchen, you suddenly discover the crowd praying in front of your kitchen. You ask yourself why?
The answer is: because someone saw a stain on the glass and he believes that is a new revelation!
The scale of such exaggerations become a cause of jokes - think twice before you clean a stain, maybe it is a face of Jesus’s Mother?

Some people really need to get their hands off their tools and worry about something that’s of even minor significance.

What next? Earth looks round from space, sort of like an eye in the sky if we ignore 99.99 infinite % of the rest of space.

Shit! We’d better elongate it into an ellipse, so we don’t offend the majority Asian population on the planet, none of whom actually managed to get anything into space until they borrowed American and Russian technology long after the first pictures of the planet were taken.

Shit! That just proves that America and Russia rode roughshod over the legitimate aspirations of other peoples by getting into space first.

Shit! If only the Russians hadn’t sent Laika the dog into space in 1957. What an insult, using a dog instead of a minority group like Negroes, which were a bit thin on the ground in Russia at the time, or an Asian, of which Russia had plenty.

Not to mention that viewed from the earth clouds are white. Shouldn’t they be coffee coloured, or yellowish, to embrace everyone on this harmonious, peace loving planet? Why aren’t the full military resources of the USA devoted to correcting this discriminatory colour imbalance?

Wait till the whingers find out about the pre-WWII American unit that had the swastika as its emblem. What are they going to do to make that conform with their rigid demands for the world to meet their impossible standards? Kill all the descendants of the men in that unit?

There’s no shortage of people looking for ways to be offended, and demanding that governments do something to stop them being offended. And no shortage of weak-kneed politicians just waiting to jump to their bidding.

Sometimes I wish I was the government boss so that, after deep and careful consideration of their arguments, I could give them my considered response:

Go and stick you head up a dead bear’s bum, you fucking whiney little shit!

We had to send the Laika in the 1957 coz the Amreicans refused to export us the enough Negroes for the space experiments;)
The Asians in soviet Middle Asia were TOO FAT.
So the choise fall out to the dogs. Poor dogy;)

Chevan, you’re possessed :]

Russia should have got one from a gulag. :slight_smile:

Or were they the ones that got too much food? :smiley:

This was another failure of Russian space technology. :wink:

The Americans would have exported a Negro, in the same way that they’d imported thousands of them as slaves, but export controls required the receiving country to treat Negroes the same as America treated them.

This meant that a Negro cosmonaut had to sit at the back of the Sputnik, like Negroes had to sit at the back of buses in America’s South.

The Americans didn’t have any problem with a Negro sitting behind a dog, but the Russians couldn’t fit them both in.

So the dog got the space gig. :smiley:

The gulag was practically full liquidated after death of Comride Stalin.So there is no a lot of candidates to be the first astronaut;)
But i heared the some of afro-americans in USA were agree for any work for the food. Good pay load for the russian space missles;)

Why we could not fit them both in Sputnik mate.
It’s should be very practical decision - if the dog died first , Negro will have enough meat for the continie of fly. If the Negro died first - the dog will happy too.:wink:

BTW why we do tell as the finished lunatic rasists mate?
You as the lawyer should know the possible nagative consequences;)

All foolish kidding…I like the negroes.

That’s probably why they didn’t do it.

The Sputnik weight needed to be constant to calculate re-entry etc.

Maybe they could cope with the loss of the dog, but not the other way around. :smiley:

BTW why we do tell as the finished lunatic rasists mate?

Why does it have to be about race? Aren’t dogs people? :smiley:

You as the lawyer should know the possible nagative consequences;)

On earth. But we’re talking about space, where all animals are equal. Then again, as Orwell said, some animals are more equal than others. It was the pigs who said that. Hard to believe that it could be a metaphor for politicians. :smiley:

All foolish kidding…I like the negroes.

On the basis of the huge population of Negroes, or as they are now known as African Americans in America and Africans outside America unless they’re African Americans from America visiting Africa in which case they’re African Americans in Africa unless they’re Africans (excluding white South Africans, white former Rhodesians now former Zimbabweans, white former Belgian Congolese etc but excluding South African coloureds of Indian and Asian descent but not including Ugandan Asians who had a differernt set of problems and so on with Angola etc …) visiting America in which case they’re Africans in America but not African Americans … … My brain hurts!

Anyway, I bet Russians are being swamped by all the African American ghettoes pumping out gangsta rap to keep the Hispanics out of the 'hood where the true Russians live. :smiley:

Hello Gents, The Swastika building is only part of the controversy. It seems that long before poor demented Adolph, usurped the Hakenkreutz, it was considered a symbol of good fortune, and success. Originally a bindrune, a combination of 2 or more “runes” which were letters of a Norse alphabet, and were also said to control mystical power. These symbols were used by many cultures over thousands of years, for protection, safety, luck and other good fortune until Adolph stole it to assist his aims. then it became a symbol of evil, and no -one wanted it around anymore.
The design was incorporated into everyday things, tiles at the waterline of swimming pools, (a once popular tradition where I live,) and in the brickwork of buildings.
So to see an entire building constructed in the shape, isnt a surprise really, it would be interesting to find out why it was built that way. the Photos: Left, A place of worship in India. Center, A Roman floor mosaic, And Right, a square, or garden in Europe.




If architects were involved, it was probably an accident. :smiley:

Particularly if they were government architects :slight_smile:

Perhaps not.

Most accidents in government are intentional.

They just don’t start out that way. :smiley:

Its worse than you feared Chevan. The Great Satan (Wal-Mart) has been devouring the known world for some time…:slight_smile: A packman smilie would go well here,