US Soldier Survives 9" Knife Stuck in His Head!

Soldier Survives Knife in Skull
Bob Woodruff Talks to an Army Sergeant With an Amazing Story of Survival

Oct. 31, 2007 —

Of all the injuries in the war in Iraq, the one Sgt. Dan Powers sustained was among the most unusual.

Powers, a member of the Army’s 118th MP Company Airborne, was in eastern Baghdad investigating an explosion when suddenly an Iraqi walked up to him and stabbed him in the right side of his head. He didn’t know what hit him.

“It felt like someone kind of clothesline tackled me and a thump on the side of the head, like a bang,” he said.

An Iraqi teenager had inched up behind Powers on a Baghdad street and plunged a 9-inch knife deep into his skull, penetrating his brain.

Powers, who did not realize he had been stabbed, reacted quickly by throwing his attacker to the ground. Sgt. Michael Riley then tackled the man and turned him over to Iraqi security forces.

“He had no idea what had really happened,” said Spc. Ryan Webb, a company medic. “I did have to fight a few people off that came by and were like, ‘Whoa, you’ve got a knife sticking out of your head.’”

Amazingly, Powers remained conscious and alert as he was rushed to a combat hospital, when he finally noticed the knife and realized the gravity of his injury.

“They kept telling me to go sit down, they didn’t tell me how bad I was hurt yet,” Powers said.

Miraculous Survival

Just a few hours later, doctors in Iraq prepared to take the daring but necessary action of pulling the knife out of Powers’ skull – a move they knew might kill him, and almost did.

Powers lost 2 liters of blood – about 40 percent of the total in his body.

Back home now at Ft. Bragg, Powers and his wife Trudy are counting their blessings.

“All along I knew he would live because I know him and I know how strong a guy he is,” Trudy said.

Amazingly, Powers’ memory, speech and coordination are all intact.

“I have a little bit of a loss of sensation on my face due to all of it and I can’t raise my right eyebrow. So I am kind of like Mr. Spock,” Powers joked.

And Powers is forever grateful for the care he received from the military.

“Those are the heroes to me. They’re my heroes,” he said. “I am just glad to have made it when so many didn’t.”

Copyright © 2007 [ABC News Internet Ventures](

Anyone want to guess how they removed it?

Jeeze, that’s insane! It’s hard to believe anyone could survive that…:shock:

The good news is, and NOT wanting to insult him but, he is a bit of a chubber.

As can be seen from the x-ray above. It is probably that which saved him. The knife only went through flesh, not brain or anything else useful.

The one question to be asked is how on earth did a civvie get so close to him without him giving him his full attention. Or one of his comrades shouting out a warning.

The fact that he’s a big boy definitely helped.

But the knife in fact did pierce his brain. He hasn’t any problems with memory, anger or emotions, or most motor-neural stuff. His only problem is that he can’t move one of the sides of his face…

He is survive after that???:shock: