usernames for image section

can I have all the mods’ usernames for the picture section?

I’ll stay as pdf27

I’ll keep mine too. People there know me under that user-name since January.

I’ll keep mine, but I haven’t been involved in the picture section.

You can list me the same - George Eller.

You can call me Nickdfresh…

An unfortunate accident of a username. :smiley:

do you guys all have user names there already? I only found flamethrowerguy.
(btw can you tell me if it works ftg?)

Nope, none of us do - we assumed you were going to create us accounts as well. You want us to register on there?

I registered there today, but it looks like a standard account with no modding ability.

With my accounts it works! I got more powers/options I could ever imagine.

yes please register. I thought you already had accounts.

OK, I’m now registered.

how it is right now it’s a bit difficult if you ask me. having to register twice to get access to the forums and the picture section.
I will have to speak to a programmer about this as well, as it would be nice if we could just tell gallery (the program for the picture section) to use the usernames from vbulletin.

pdf you should be fine in a few mins as well.

george you’re ok as well.

Since I never log out in the forum nor on the photo site this isn’t a really a problem.

true but I don’t find it ideal.

Agreed - although the bigger nuisance is having to open two websites to view it, rather than just being able to hit “new posts” here and see everything. Not a major problem though.

Whoah! I appear to have full admin powers for the picture site. Was this supposed to happen?

well right now there is no moderator option. I trust there won’t be any problems for example change settings. If there are…well I’ll have to revoke the access.

I’ve got no intention of doing so, I was just more worried that I might delete it by accident or something.
Still, I’ve picked up my computer security habits from my Dad, who spent years as a programmer in the Defence industry - so seeing I had admin access set off loads of red lights. It should be fine in practice, but it’s one of those things that’s a really bad habit to get into.