"vélo-taxi" in Paris,1942. - Homefront | Gallery

"vélo-taxi" in Paris,1942.

in the streets of Paris, no cabs but bicycles (Patdau)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/homefront/28205/%22velo-taxi%22-in-paris1942.

This is not a complaint, it is a question. Many of these OUTSTANDING photos posted are too dark to make out details.

Often I will save the photo to my desk top and adjust the photos Exposure.

Then I can truly enjoy them and see the otherwise blacked out details.

Could this be done before posting them on the site?

Like I said I am really amazed and greatly enjoy the photos, but even more so when I can see them clearly.

Many thanks,

I’ll try to do it, sorry.

Hi Friendly. I’ve noticed the same thing – but I believe the problem may be in the compression software the site uses when you load images, especially large ones that the site “shrinks.”