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Very special delivery.

Joseph and Winifred Roderick and their daughter Doreen, pose for the press with their new arrival, baby Peter Roderick, the first baby recorded to have been born in an air-raid shelter during the London Blitz. The tasteful Anderson Shelter decor is, perhaps, not the most inviting view one could have on entry into this Vale of Tears - but then, it beat being born in a bomb crater. This 'photo was taken by a photographer on the Sunday Pictorial newspaper (now the Sunday Mirror) on 13 September 1940, two days after the birth. In the midst of life, there is death - but in the midst of death, there is life ... Best regards, JR.

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And I could add this question: life is an unpleasant interval in the midst of nothing, or an unpleasant interval in the midst of a better eternity?