Vickers 6-Ton Tank - Chinese Forces | Gallery

Vickers 6-Ton Tank

Vickers 6-Ton Tank and National Revolutionary Army

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Something is odd there. Quick research gives me as a result, that the Chinese used only the B variant, which was the single-turreted tank with a main gun, theo other variant (the A variant) having twin turrets with machine guns only.

What puzzles me is that the barrel looks too thin to me, almost as if it was only a machine gun (to me it looks too "thick" to be a 47mm gun).
On the other hand, the machines do not seem to be twin turreted.

What puzzles me more is the shape of the front of these tanks. They do not look quite like the Vickers tanks (compare here

Perhaps I am just wrong on this one, but it would be interesting to read the conclusions of other people.