Video help

I have been trying to find footage of Canadian or American Troops In Fire fights for a school project on the tactics of warfare in military history class. so anyhelp would be greatly appreciated i could not find any on youtube so…
All help is appreciated

Try youtube again and search on “Iraq Combat”.

Seems to produce the sort of thing you are looking for.


o sorry i didnt specify i need WW2 Footage

I am really esperate for this footage i really need your help . I need ww2 Firefight footage. It doesent matter anymore what country is fight i just need ww2 firefight footage.

are you talking about combat firefights or fighting fire’s???

Combat Fire Fights Obviously haha

no one has footage?!

This isn’t too bad but as you can see, it isn’t the best, I’ll keep looking friend and BTW, it’s in French if I aren’t mistaken.

i have seen this do u hage any german stuff i have always been looking for rifle man training and german infantry combat