Video Recommendations Needed.

Hi all, George Eller in particular. Hope everyone had a great holiday. I wanted to recommend a great book for anyone interested in the war in the Pacific. “Across the Dark Islands: The War in the Pacific”. The man who wrote it, Floyd W. Radike, was in the 25th Infantry Division, 161st infantry brigade, which was the same one my Great Uncle was in. He probably never knew my Uncle, but I think I’ll be able to see the war as my uncle saw it by reading his words. I’ve just started reading it, but so far it’s great and got wonderful recommendations.

I just ordered the DVD Great Battles of WWII: Fury in the Pacific and I was wondering if anyone had seen it and also if anyone had any more recommendations for DVD’s about the War in the Pacific in particular. Eventually I’ll move on to the entire war, but right now I’m mainly concentrating on the Pacific. Thanks in advance.

Hi Francesca,

Thanks, I had a great holiday. Looks like an interesting book and should give you more insight into what your great uncle went through.

I have not seen the DVD Great Battles of WWII: Fury in the Pacific, but I do have the video series WWII: War in the Pacific (5 video set).

I’ll have to get with you tomorrow on this. Just got home and it’s really late.

Great to hear from you again.

:smiley: Thanks. Glad you had a great Holiday. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I have news, so I’ll tell you tomorrow.

Hi Francesca,

Here are a few suggestions on WWII and Pacific War history:

“WWII: War in the Pacific” DVD

“Great Battles of WWII: Fury in the Pacific” DVD

“Crusade in the Pacific” - 4 Full Length Television Episodes (1951)

“Victory at Sea” (1954) DVD

“The World at War (30th Anniversary Edition)” (1974) DVD

“WWII Battlefront - The Pacific Campaign” 2 DVD Set (In Color)
[Currently unavailable]

Also, I sent you an email. :smiley:

Thanx for the recommendations guy’s.
I have seen World at War and will look out for the others now.

You’re welcome VonWeyer,

I remember a series from the late '70’s called “The Unknown War” - similar to “The World at War”, but focused on the Russian Front. Narrated by Burt Lancaster.

“The Unknown War” (1978) (mini)

Produced with Soviet cooperation after the release of The World at War, which the soviet government felt paid insufficient attention to their part in World War II. Released in 1978, The Unknown War, sympathetic to the Soviet struggle against Nazi Germany, was quickly withdrawn from TV airings after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Sprawling, 20-part documentary history in film of the World War II conflict between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Companion book, The Unknown War, written by NYT reporter Harrison Salisbury. Each episode is about 52 minutes, similar in format to The World at War. The footage was edited from over 3.5 million feet of film taken by Soviet camera crews from the first day of the war, 22 June 1941, to the soviet entry in Berlin in May 1945. Most of these films have never been seen outside this documentary series. Narrated by Burt Lancaster. Chapters: 1. June 22, 1941; 2. The Battle for Moscow; 3. The Siege of Leningrad; 4. To the East; 5. The Defense of Stalingrad; 6. Survival at Stalingrad; 7. The World’s Greatest Tank Battle-Kursk; 8. War in the Arctic; 9. War in the Air; 10. Partisans: The Guerilla War; 11. Battle of the Seas; 12. Battle of the Caucasus; 13. Liberation of Ukraine; 14. Liberation of Byelorussia; 15. From the Balkans to Vienna; 16. The Liberation of Poland; 17. The Allies; 18. The Battle of Berlin; 19. The Last Battle of the Unknown War; 20. A Soldier of the Unknown War.


Cheers for that George.

I second that! Isn’t George great? Off topic, I know, but well deserved praise…

Thanks Guys :slight_smile:

A good DVD is Tora! Tora! Tora! Pearl Harbor is also a great movie. Midway is good. You need to see these movies if you haven’t.

Thank you for the recommendations, German Soldier. I’ll take those into consideration. I watched “Windtalkers” the other day because I’m fascinated by the Navajo Code talkers. Frankly, I was really disappointed. After Band of Brothers, it’s just cheesy. I wish they would have focused more on the history and less on the drama of Nicolas Cage’s character. The real stars of the show should have been the code talkers. Anyway, I bought WWII Fury in the Pacific and it’s pretty good. I like seeing the actual footage and listening to the veteran’s interviews. The first DVD focuses on Pearl Harbor with interviews from the Pearl Harbor survivors and actual footage of the Arizona burning, along with the other devastated ships (names escape me). It gave me a new appreciation for the Navy, that’s for sure. From what the Navy veterans said, it sounds like being stationed in Pearl Harbor was considered a pretty cushy assignment. Beautiful women, beautiful scenery, laid back attitudes. And then WHAM, the Japanese hammer them. A lot of the veterans said that even when it was happening they just thought it was a training drill gone bad. They just couldn’t believe it was real. From what I’ve seen so far, Fury in the Pacific focuses mainly on the Marines and the Navy, so anyone who wants to know more about the Navy and the Marines, during the War in the Pacific, I highly recommend this DVD. As I watch more, I’ll give more of a synopsis.

For those of you who made recommendations, rest assured that I will eventually work my way around to getting all of them. My appreciation for all of the recommendations stands. I render a salute to Staff Sergeant Eller. Where are you George?

Here I go replying to myself again. But I forgot to make a recommendation of my own. “Band of Brothers”. I’m on my second viewing, and I can’t recommend this series enough. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s one of those must have series. I’m also going to get the book. Has anyone read the book?


Well, right now I’m at work. :slight_smile:

How’s the website coming along?

Talk to you later.

Please also check out the comments in the movie section. We would like to try to expand it as much as possible.

On a side note: Thanks for being the 1st woman that has hung around here more than just a couple of days. As always I look forward to your posts and hope there isnt too much testosterone around. :smiley:

Thank you General Sandworm. I’ll go check out the movie section. I love this forum because you are all so knowledgable. And I hang around and keep posting because I really want to get promoted again, lol! Seriously, this is the best forum on the net about WWII, in my opinion. Everyone has a different perspective on events and I learn about things that I would probably never come across on my own unless I spent every hour of every day studying every aspect of WWII, from every other country’s perspective. So thanks everyone.

My attempts to find a documentary specifically about the Army infantry’s contributions in the South Pacific have so far been futile. Which of the DVD’s that were recommended to me include the Army’s contribution to the South Pacific war effort? WWII: Fury in the Pacific only documented the Marine’s and Navy. I’m not disinterested in the Naval and Marine contributions, but I want to know more about the Army infantry in the S.P. So I would appreciate any input about documentary style films that are either more well rounded, or focus on the Army infantry.

George’s recommendations:

Here are a few suggestions on WWII and Pacific War history:

“WWII: War in the Pacific” DVD…?ie=UTF8&s=dvd

“Great Battles of WWII: Fury in the Pacific” DVD…?ie=UTF8&s=dvd

“Crusade in the Pacific” - 4 Full Length Television Episodes (1951)…?ie=UTF8&s=dvd

“Victory at Sea” (1954) DVD…?ie=UTF8&s=dvd

“The World at War (30th Anniversary Edition)” (1974) DVD…?ie=UTF8&s=dvd

“WWII Battlefront - The Pacific Campaign” 2 DVD Set (In Color)…?ie=UTF8&s=dvd
[Currently unavailable]

Yes, terrific to have a female voice in here. Welcome Francesca.

Growing up, the series I remember best was “Victory at Sea”, probably the first real television documentary series on WW2 that I can recall and still one of the best. It was scored by Rogers and Hammerstein and many of the episodes were narrated by Raymond Massey, a star at the time. But I agree with Francesca, that “Band of Brothers” is just excellent, but it’s whole format came directly out of the movie “Saving Private Ryan”.