Vitéz Oszlányi Kornél - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

Vitéz Oszlányi Kornél

Vitéz Oszlányi Kornél Vezérőrnagy

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More medals, decorations and ribbons on the chest of this officier, than eagle feathers on the Tatankah Yotankah (Sitting Bull) warbonnet…

Nice colored photo, thanks for posting it. Brigadier General Oszlanyi was the commander of the Hungarian Ninth Infantry Division active of the Don front in Russia and also participated in the fighting at Budapest. He was the 1944 recipient of the Order of Maria Theresa, the highest military honor of Austria-Hungary and later of Hungary, awarded in various ranks.

The one and only recipient of the Order of Maria Theresa in the WW2 era, he happened to be in the famous company of Generals Suvorov, Jelasich, Radetsky, Hotzendorff, Tsar Alexander II, Kaiser William II, and Admiral Horthy, among many others. He was a proud and brave soldier.