Waffen SS MG42 team - German Forces | Gallery

Waffen SS MG42 team

A Waffen SS MG42 team and a Panther tank advancing in support on the eastern front, circa 1943

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/22841/waffen-ss-mg42-team

Kortxero, Wehrmacht Soldier is just being a troll. Anyone who has read Mein Kampf and its sequel can’t have any doubt that Hitler planned for and wanted war. His (Wehrmacht Soldier’s) oft-repeated claim of 60,000 German victims of Poles has been discredited already as being off both in timing and by a factor of 10 or so, and though I note he has changed his wording here some, I doubt it is any more accurate now than before. Ignore him, or make fun of him, but don’t take him seriously.