Waffen SS near Bastogne
A group of Waffen SS troops fire at the besieged town of Bastogne, winter of 1944.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/26271/waffen-ss-near-bastogne
A group of Waffen SS troops fire at the besieged town of Bastogne, winter of 1944.
Does anybody have a clearer and/or uncropped version of this picture? I’d love to colorize it…
Hi Schuultz, this is the best I could do, the picture is foggy due to the weather conditions at the time, I suppose. I didn’t crop the photo, glad you liked it.
Schuultz try adjusting it in photoshop using the Image/adjustments/auto color or adjustments/levels then auto color, the picture will look more B|W.You also have to be in RGB mode.
What makes you think they are Waffen SS?