Waiting for the attack - German Forces | Gallery

Waiting for the attack

Enjoying some wine and a smoke in Arnhem, Holland, well-equipped Germans seem unconcerned by the British attack (Market-Garden, Sept. 1944).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/49584/waiting-for-the-attack

"On the morning of Tuesday, September 19, two German Luftwaffe photographers arrived at Arnhem (…).Their names were Jacobsen and Wenzel and they belonged to a Propaganda-Kompanie (PK) of Luftflotte 3. In the next 48 hours, the two Kriegsberichter (war reporters) would shoot off several rolls of film - of which six have survived more or less complete (…).
With the pair entering Arnhem from the east, Jacobsen began his coverage of the battle with shots of a 2cm FlaK 38 gun set up on the corner of Johan de Wittlaan and Boulevard Heuvelink. Another 2cm can be seen in the background. These guns had originally been part of the Deelen airfield defences, hence the Luftwaffe uniforms of the crews. Shortly after the landings on Sunday, the airfield was ordered to detach four of his guns to the 9. SS-Panzer-Division, which assigned them to SS-Panzer-Flak-Abteilung 9. Placed at this spot, they served both as protection against Allied aircraft and as blocking line for possible break-outs by the British force still holding on around the bridge. The officer taking a swig from the wine bottle is Jacobsen’s colleague, Erich Wenzel.
(…) Some one million negatives of PK photos had been captured by the Americans in 1945 and these were only returned to the Bundesarchiv in the early 1960s. The negatives found in 1945 were without any captions, so the time and location of most images were unknown. (This still holds true to the majority of them today). Jacobsen’s and Wenzel’s photographs were first identified by Dutch historian Piet van Iddekinge of the Arnhem Municipal Archives in August 1967 during a research visit to the Bundesarchiv at Coblenz. "

"Operation Market Garden, Then and Now" Vol.2; Margry, Karel.