Walt or Sweat?

Hi, everybody long time viewer, first time poster.

My first question is this, and it is no way meant to be abusive, but how many of you out there have actually been in service?

By that I don’t mean a butler, but I mean proper uniformed, armed forces service?

By many of your posts I have already made a few guesses.

To me this is very important as if you are a walt, then your opinions are obviously flawed and may be slanted.

If you are a sweat, then you are worth listening to.

Anyway please feel free to vote in my poll, and add any comments here.

welcome aboard mate! :smiley: ,please,change the location and the poll now,that you never had been in the army,don´t means you are a walt,and not everybody in the army is sweat :lol: .

yes,i have been,volunteer service,one year,service in patagonia and gran buenos aires,a course of commando in done in patagonia and misiones.

i abandoned it after one year,the course could make me crazy if i stay more,and i was bored of the camouflage,and the fucking officers who always danced me.(when they order you stupid things only because they want)

have you been in army?

Sorry, don’t know how to do that. Could a MOD do that for me, and where would it go?

Just a casual interest of mine.

Do you not think there is a difference between someone who has merely watched saving private ryan and read a few books and someone who has actually been in service maybe smelt the amonia of the gun smoke and has a genuine interest in military (of any topic) matters?

depends in what mate,probably,the guy who was in the army,loves it,but some guys don´t choose it because it´s too hard work,if i have to choose between doing or not the army,i want to do and continue it,but no to be commando!.

but there are also guys who are too much interested and read too much,and always pay attention to documentals,and are enthusiasts.

also,there are some guys that are only interested in the coolness of the uniform,and in the movies.

but here,most of us have a true interest.it isn´t necesary to be in army.

"but there are also guys who are too much interested and read too much,and always pay attention to documentals,and are enthusiasts.

also,there are some guys that are only interested in the coolness of the uniform,and in the movies."

These are the blokes that are walts!!!

Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong in being an academic. But I just like to know who I am talking to.

You have been in Erwin, in the commandos, does it never get you that complete mitty’s are gobbing off about what they could never understand?

what???,mitty?,gobbing off?

i don´t understand my friend,and the translator don´t translated that,can you use the easiest words you can find please?

Mitty or Walt = Walter Mitty, fictional charecter in a British film who lived with his mum and was a wet mummys boy. Constantly dreamed of being a hero, but would never actually do anything remotely dangerous.

Gobbing off = talking as if they know it all/talking as if they actually have something worthwhile to say but don’t. Talk as if they were there but weren’t.

well,nobody believes he is hero,it´s just to be better than the others :lol:
,no everybody supports the trainment,but,sometimes,it isn´t the most important my friend,here nobody feels as hero.
i think the army is better in your country,our officers are terrible as shit!,and they don’t respect nobody,and the seargent insults you.

the guys who don´t do this is because they cant do it,it isn´t easy,like when they say you,do the abdominals ( idk how to translate) on a cactus!!! :lol: ,and that´s the nicest part.

there are some young guys who didn´t did this because of their age,and some olds that want,but it´s too late.

the important is if he reads lo0ts of books :wink:

There’s already another thread somewhere else about this mate!

And here it is with over 60 replies.


Well it’s still a valid question!!!


Ciao for now!!

Topic moved :arrow:

I’m UOTC does that make me a sweat or a walt in your books?

Hm, either or. Do you have an intention in joining the forces or are your there for “the experience”?

Which one are you at, my cousins in UOTC and the other is in some kind of RAF equivalent.

Seems like a good laugh, even though I consider it a waste of MOD money, that could be spent on serving soldiers in theatres.

What is your personal opinion?

I am going onto to join regs eventually getting my TA commission at present then doing my final year at uni in TA probably have a gap year (op tour?) and then join up proper.

IMO we’re not a waste of money, quite a lot of blokes go reg or TA, makes us quite attractive to TA as we’ve already done the basic traininig required for TA so can just transfer in. Also if you want to talk about money, most OTC’s provide enemy for any decent exercise going in the TA, and quite often with Regs as well. This means, from a TA co’s perspecticve he doesn’t have to dick 1/4 of his blokes for enemy so everyone can benefit from training. We can also fill in gaps on exercise.

Whilst I agree with some of your arguements, I still feel it’s a waste of money. To maintain a unit of that size, equip it and clothe it and feed it and train it and pay for their instructors wage and their own wages just isn’t worth it for a couple of kids to rock up and play opfor.

If you an external force to provide enemy most self respecting units will book another reg unit. Esp if they have just come back from the Op you are training for. I’ve never come across UOTC being used for a reg unit.

Essentially you UOTCs are a CCF for a university but you’re paid. How many would attend if you weren’t paid?

Fair point but we can be used in a home defence role (though i doubt they would, but you never now) i.e. a sort of home guard made up of uni students. For example about three years ago an otc was called up to help man and build flood defences, ok not a great military machine but they have their uses.

I think they were in WW2. But then many units were formed from specific units in such times. ie the Artists, Manchester Pals and the Bankers Battailion.

The OTC used for flooding was York, it wasn’t called up, they volunteered. And were used as a unit, mainly because it was already a cohesive unit. They worked alongside mates of mine in 2 Sigs. But you’ll find you do not have any call up liability.

We had a poll like this before:

I’m not willing to type my biography and a lengthy political explanation again. I also find the term Walt in the way used by you slightly offensive.


sigh Brits :roll: