War between Israel and Palestine

Ok, there is a war going on between Israel and Palestine, and if you didn’t know that, climb out from under your rock. There has been countless arguments on what it is acually about, relgion or land.

I believe Israel has a right to it which it state in the bible, and the fact that they occuppied that land some time ago. What I don’t believe is that the Jews of Israel are trying to kill off all the Muslims. Now what do you guys think?

Erwin, take it away :smiley:

ok ok :lol: ,we talked about this :smiley:

i believe Israel shouldnt be there… but if you are religious it is prophecised the Jews will once again claim Israel

but even so, the only reason Jews are in Israel is because the Bible says the land is for the Jews and they “originally” claimed it

but hold on, does this give reason for:
Greece to claim Sicily?
Mexico to claim Texas?
Spain to claim Portugal?

Borders change, Kingdoms grow and die

Israel should be Palestinian, i truly do believe it IS a religious war… we know all the Jewish leaders r Zionist and they believe in a ‘Greater Israel’ that extends from the Nile to the Euphrates river

the scary thing is, it is becomming true…

I mean religous war as in Genociding the other religions, in this case muslims.

And no, we are talking about Israel, not other situations :?

One problem here is that the Bible exaggerates, quite a bit really. While it says that the whole of Palestine was occupied by the Kingdom(s) of Israel the arhaeologists reckon that the ancient jewish kingdoms of Saul, David, Solomon et al were considerably smaller and certainly didn’t occupy all the land that Israel now claims.[/i]

If you really believe that Israel is trying to commit genocide, you’ve got a screw loose - which is the only country in the middle-east where Arab women can vote? Yes, Israel.

If you want to look for potential genocide, look to all the extreme muslim groups who want to not only remove the state of Israel from existence but want to kill its entire population too.

When discussing the Israel-Palestinian question, one should remember that at Camp David they were offered 90% of what they wanted - indeed, everything except the dissolution of the state of Israel. They were offered all their other territorial demands etc. but Arafat turned it down, since without a supposedly insoluble problem, he had no platform for his personal agenda (i.e. his own power).

Exactly, like I was diccussing with Erwin on AIM, is that Palestine attacked first :?

When did they start attacking ?

On May 14, 1948 the “Palestinian” Jews finally declared their own State of Israel and became “Israelis.” On the next day, seven neighboring Arab armies… Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen… invaded Israel.

Soon after that, Palestine followed because the palestinian arabs want all the land, East and West of the Jordan River. So in essence, Palestine attacked first, I’m not saying Palestine is evil though. You know, a lot of Arabs fled Palestine because they thought it would become a stupid war and cost lives for no result. They were right.

This war is costing too many lives and too many supplies from the UN with no result in the last 50 years. Israel should have its land, and when the “invaders” stop attacking Israel and the Nations around it can be at peace.

what the hell, the Jews are the invaders, not the Arabs
They all left Israel and flock to other countries and cities like Portugal, Spain and Thessaloniki, then want to come back 1000 yrs later and claim Israel is theres

its lucky that Zionism has a bit of control on the American government that Israel still exists and the Arabs havnt come back to claim was IS theres

would it be fair if Greece claimed Sicily and Southern Italy cauz we were the ones that settled there??? NO! so why should this be any different

Greece supports the Palestinians and so do i!!!

requesting a permission to enter to the topic stalingradK

Who was living there before the Jews declared it their country then ?

Yeah, but after a holocaust to that extent they deserve it.

Hi guys,
At the end of the 19 th century,Palestine was a place nobody realy wanted to be there.
Few towns ,fewer villages,the Otoman empire on his last days.
Jews were always in Palestine ,but in small numbers.
Towns like Jerusalem,Jaffa,Accra had Jewish people as they had Armenians Christians.
The problems between the Arabs and the Israelis are all politics.

Sorry you lost it there.

After the Holocaust you’d think that the last thing they’d want to do is displace a group of people just as they themselves have been displaced.

My knowledge of this time in history is to incomplete to debate this topic adequately, but that kind of comment is too pathetic to go un-answered.

Sorry you lost it there.

After the Holocaust you’d think that the last thing they’d want to do is displace a group of people just as they themselves have been displaced.

My knowledge of this time in history is to incomplete to debate this topic adequately, but that kind of comment is too pathetic to go un-answered.[/quote]

I think the only thing they wanted after the Holocaust was somewhere that the Jewish people could be safe.

Ok, the existence of Israel is a fact, which can and should not be undone.
But this biblical argument is lot of b*llocks. The old Jewish kingdom was destroyed by the Romans about 2000 years ago, after the Jews tried to rebel against Roman rule (at the same time King Herodes’s temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, only the western wall survived).
The Jewish community was forced to leave and go into the diaspora.
During the next 2000 years non-Jewish people of other tribes inhabiting the region settled there (who mostly turned Muslim about 1000 to 1400 years ago).

Also, the founders of modern Israel were largely secular Jews with socialist leanings, who supported the Zionist movement, which had the goal in creating a state, in which Jews would NOT be a minority and therefore not to have to face persecution.

The biblical argumentation only came up in the mid 1970s, with the rise of Menachem Begin (who in the late 1940s was a leader of the irgun, a Jewish religious extremist group, which actually committed acts of terror and had the creation of a Jewish state including large parts of today’s Jordania in it’s program) and the national-religious movement in Israel.
Back in 1948, orthodox Jews actually condemned the creation of the State of Israel as being against the Bible, because according to them, Israel could only exist after the Messiah had come.

The Israeli national-religious movement get supported by American fundamentalist evangelical Christians, for whom Muslims are the Antichrist and creatures of the devil, which will have to be exterminated before the second coming of Christ.
