Does anyone know if these used to be some kind of war posters or
Were these sayings on these lighters actually used in war times?
ya matter of fact my great uncle had a old cabinet full of old civil war money and just sorts of stuff and i remember iam having a lighter like such now weither they was used in war time over sees i dont see why they wouldnt be used
Hey 1917.
Im going to be a good samarition here, which i never got when i first joined.
Im going to save you a lot of pain here.
Be careful on how you word things and use capital letters and commas and fullstops.
Theres is professional members on here that hate unprofessionals typing.
I type like how you did, i went through a lot of pain. Cheers.
i cant type for crap so i dont even bother in trying to make it all nice pretty for the world to read but i try