War College

student-scaley or anyone that has been to a War College could you explain some of the things that you learn. I am very interested in military history, regardless of nation. I know a few of the battles that they discuss at places such as West Point but not really sure how they discuss them. I think this would be a good topic to discuss tactics and military history.

It’s not a war college that i go to. King’s College London is one of the top universities in Britian (i’m not bragging honest guv!) where it is the best for war studies. The undergraduate degree is like most UK degrees 3yrs long. In the first year you start with the basics, experience of war, conduct of war, the art off war studies, contemporary security issues and causes of war. My course is a mix of philosophy, international relations, sociology, history/military history and politics. in your second year you get more choice and can either can down the historical route or the international relations route. Though there is one compulsory module; intelligence in war studies. My other modules this year were ww2 in europe (hence why i find this site interesting), naval history and war & society. It’s the same in the third year with one compulsory module which is state, strategy and security. My other modules for next year are ‘the origins of western imperialism’, ‘how weapons work’ and my dissertation which is on British military leadership failures in the 1879 Anglo-Zulu war.
Anymore questions just ask!

I think that what Gen. thinks of as “War College” we would think of as Staff College. The British Staff college is at Camberly and is for commissioned officers only, offering courses at various stages in an officer’s career to allow him to progress (I’m sure someone who’s been can expand on this).
Britain doesn’t really have any institution that offers a full three year military college course like West Point does, prefering to recruit potential officers who have had “real world” experience, often at University. Sandhurst then takes them and turns them into soldiers.

Scaley - is Brian Bond still lecturing? And I hope that mad South African isn’t going to teach you “How Weapons Work”. I imagine Barry Paskins is still around but most of the old faces must have moved on and upwards.

I may be wrong but I think staff college Camberly has moves to a joint service one. Not sure where. It would also be worth pointing out that you do not need a degree to enter Sandhurst just the educational ability to be able to do one. It is possible for a platoon commander to be under 20 in the British army. I have known one or two in my time.

This may seem like a stupid question but I was just wondering, after you complete the course what degree do you earn? Is it a degree on History, or something completely different? What profession can you have after you take this course. Hope you dont mind answering, I have no idea.

You get a BA in War Studies.

Firstly canaris, yes both Bond and Paskins are still there and the current head of dept. is Holden-reid.

This may seem like a stupid question but I was just wondering, after you complete the course what degree do you earn? Is it a degree on History, or something completely different? What profession can you have after you take this course. Hope you dont mind answering, I have no idea.

As canaris said you get a BA in war studies. Most people go into something like the city (banking etc), law conversion, journalism or the civil service very few (maybe 10%) join the forces, quite a good all round degree.

So anyone can attend the college and get a degree in War Studies?? Thats pretty cool. Dont know if we have that over here. At least i havent heard of it. How expense is it to attend your college?? Do they have a Masters Program??

Yes they have had a MA Course since the '60s. As to cost I’ve no idea fo foreign students why don’t you check the KCL website?

as for the rest, they spung off us hard working tax payers. They are unwashed leaches on society who drink till the early hours listen to crap loud music and get up late. What they need is a job so they can pay for my old age and my children’s education, they’re just a bunch of spongers. Longhaired smelly gits.


Thanks for that it’s nice to know when one is doing something right.
BTW you’ve not encountered many real students lately have you, because The Young Ones ceased to be a documentary about ten years ago.

Every day, I’m a lecturer at a college. :stuck_out_tongue:

And it was said with tongue firmly in my cheek.

Yes, yes, OK. I spotted the smiley at the bottom of your post just after I posted mine :oops: .
Post in haste look a pillock at leisure. :roll:

That’s why I put it at the bottom to catch sharks. :lol:

So what things do you study exactly?? I know you study wars but to you study indepth tactics. For instance the (example) British Raid on Deippe. What was successful and why it didnt work. Or do you study much larger operations?? Is it rather basic or very indepth and to the point. Just thinking it might be a good thing to study one day since im interested in it. :smiley:

Just curious

As for costs to do the degree it’s about £1,250 a year for domestic/EU students but for everyone else you are looking at £10,000 a year easy.
As for students being lazy drunks, you are now quite wrong it has been noticed across the nation that this year’s bunch of freshers are, wait for it…KEEN yep they’ve betrayed the student fraternity and actually know where the library is :shock: , quite shocking i can tell you. Although my generation are still clinging onto the image of sponging, lazy, drunken debauched students. :cry:

well thats a fairly resonable price (international) comparing it to American collages in general, but why such a big difference with international and domestic?

so any more details?

It is all wrapped up in the caring state. Social security (unemployment benefit, something I could never get - grouse :cry: ), health care, education and pensions. I pay for Scaley to drink large amounts and attend the occasional lecture and he will be paying my pension for the next 50 year :slight_smile: (I’ve stopped doing the things I used to do as a young soldier).

About 23-25% tax is the answer.

Sounds like a fair swop to me, you pay for me getting pissed and i pay for your nappies and to have the dribble wiped off your chin! :lol: :lol: