War crimes - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

War crimes

Italian soldiers recovering bodies of people killed and thrown by the partisans in natural holes typical of northern Yugoslavia orography.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/dramatic-photos/37731/war-crimes

Dear pipe, the italian concentration camps had nothing to do with nazi’s concentration camps. And even if, of course, they were not places where was easy to live in, nobody was ever intentionally killed. They were like the US concentration camps for Italian, Japan and German citizens, perhaps a bit worse for igyenic conditions and quality of food.
The Italian nationalist politics were the same coommon in all Europe: in Alsazia Lorena in France, in Sudeten in Czechoslovakia, in Danzig in Poland, in Transilvania in Romania, and in Yugoslavia too… and all over many other places. So, we’re talking about different things. Confonding the Titoist lagers, more similar to Nazi and Soviet onoes, with other kinds of camps, or confonding nationalist politics (common in all Europe, and not only, in those times) with an ethnic cleansing, or trying to justify this cleansing with the easy alibi of retaliation, is a bit uncorrect in my opinion. What Yugoslavia saw in 1941 - 48, Yugoslavia saw again in 1991 and years later…