War crimes Malvinas

Guys, I just locked this one.


I dont think its going anywhere than causing animosity and arguments. I also dont think there is anything much to add to it.

Please dont open it again until we have discussed its merits. I have had no PMs etc by anyone regarding it, and have not been influenced in closing it by anything other than the posts contained in it.



Keep it closed. I voted that section (FM) to remain open in order to reveal something new and interesting at the 25th anniversary.

That thread doesn’t fit to my vote intention. So…

I am completely against the closure, there is material and pictures that I have not time to post yet.

Unfortunately this time I am cut off by the english language wich is not as wide the spanish to state my outrage for the closure, so I wont describe my feelings right now.

Keep it closed. I voted that section (FM) to remain open in order to reveal something new and interesting at the 25th anniversary.

That thread doesn’t fit to my vote intention. So…

I think there is enough interesting topics there, the crimes topic included so…:rolleyes:

I am starting to believe that my personal opinions in how to handle the forum have less value than a fresh pile of dogshit.

I agree with Dani and FF on this one. Its causing nothing but trouble. Nothing positive can come out of it. There are loads of things that one could discuss about that conflict that would be more informative. PK that whole thread is a giant shit chucking contest.

PK what do you (or anyone else for that matter) think your going to prove? Ill go ahead and answer for ya…NOTHING! In short of the UK or Argentina filing war crime charges there is nothing to be said.

he ONLY reason that section is open is coz you guys wanted that way. Please let me know that it is worth keeping open and listening to you guys was the right call. Insofar as the forum goes… I would sleep alot better at night if that section wasnt there.

Bullshit…the only place were you run into trouble is in that section. Sorry bud … when it comes to that section you get a bit too hot sometimes. Quit acting like there is some kind of staff conspiracy against you. There isnt!

I have no trouble with the section or in the section, the people doesnt like my opinion and views… that all ,but there is no “running into trouble” real trouble.

Nodody has insulted me in that section, and (obviously) I didnt do that either.
Is very sad that that the locking continues, embarrasing in some way.

Cuts open a topic to trash talking the Arg. army crimes with his “Desaparecidos”, however I am not against the duscussion of those, moreover I am glad to see someone interested.

Sometimes I been told that I take things too personal…isnt this also look in that way ?

PK what do you (or anyone else for that matter) think your going to prove? Ill go ahead and answer for ya…NOTHING! In short of the UK or Argentina filing war crime charges there is nothing to be said.

Well the response is obvius, the crimes that is to be probed. And there is a lot to be said, actually I didnt have time to post some will be interesting pictures to the UK members. In other time maybe.

I will respect the desition but I dont think is a good one, locking thing, denying the opportunity to wrote about…brrrr, I dont like that sensation not for a second, not for a heartbit.

Any toughs ?

Well WTF does 1000ydstare have his first infraction point for? If it is a mistake then I need to remove it. Are you saying he didnt insult you in Claim and Counterclaim?


Also if he didnt insult you there then your current/2nd infraction point against him is null and void because you did not give him a formal warning 1st. Do I need to change his infraction points???

Well im sorry ppl dont like your views … ppl dont always like my views either. Maybe things will be a bit more balanced since Eagle is back. Now it not just you and the Brits.

Due to the sensitive nature of that section than I think it is best to keep the war crimes thread closed. Maybe in the future we can reopen it. As for now I agree with Dani and FF.


As I remember PK was shooting from his hip those 2 points…

Well WTF does 1000ydstare have his first infraction point for? If it is a mistake then I need to remove it. Are you saying he didnt insult you in Claim and Counterclaim?

Right, Okay I was talking of recent months.:rolleyes:

I dont think is that sensitive, isnt the holocaust we talking about.

But remember I am agaist the locking of any topic, the only thisng I lock was the holocaustr trhead started by Chevan, and that is in archive, we need to block the trolls, not the topics.

I agree with a somewhat “hands off” view to threads. Yet when I can avoid major problem I will. Sorry to say but the FM section is the ghetto of the forum. It has caused nothing but problems since the day is was made. Let try and remember its a ww2 forum.

I agree with the Gen, Im generally against locking threads and very rarely do it. However, when I read through that thread, it simply repeated its self over and over, with the posters just annoying each other more and more.

Frankly, all it did was to make some forum members dislike each other as they will never see the others point of view or change their opinion.