War War everywhere nor any drop to drink.

War- you just cant get away from the stuff, its off topic and Military, Im not sure where the thread will go from here but doubtless it will become useful for someone!

North America

  1. U.S. vs. State and Non-State Terrorists - Global War on Terror (2001 to Present)
  2. U.S. vs. Global Production and Distribution of Narcotics - War on Drugs (1971 to Prsent)
  3. Mexico vs. Zapatista/Chiapas Rebels (1994 to Present)
  4. Haitian Anarchy - Civil War (2003 to Present)

South America
5. Colombia vs. FARC and Narco-paramilitaries (1964 to Present)
6. Peru vs. Shining Path and MRTA (1980 to Present - suspended since 2000)
7. Guatemala vs. URNG and FRG (1968 to Present - civil war suspended since 1966)

8. United Kingdom vs. Northern Ireland (1969 to Present)
9. Spain vs. Basque Separatists - ETA (1958 to Prsent)
10. Moldova vs. Trans - Dniester (1991 to Present)
11. Yugoslavia vs. KLA (1998 to Present)

Middle East
12. Israel vs. Palestinians (1947 to Present)
13. Israel vs. Syria Border Clashes (1967 to Present)
14. Israel vs. Iran and Non-State Terrorists (1979 to Present)
15. Turkey vs. Kurdish Rebels (1984 to Present)
16. Armenia vs. Azerbaijan (1990 to Present)
17. Iraqi Sunni vs. Iraqi Shi’ites (1991 to Present)
18. Afghanistan vs. Taliban Holdouts and Tribal Warlords (2001 to Present)

19. India vs. Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (1989 to Present)
20. India vs. Punjab (1982 to Present)
21. India vs. Gujarat Rebellion (2002 to Present)
22. India vs. Naxalite Guerrillas (1967 to Present)
23. India vs. Naga Rebellion (1952 to Present)
24. India vs. Mizo Rebellion (1966 to Present)
25. India vs. Assam Rebellion (1980 to Present)
26. India vs. Bodo Rebellion (1984 to Present)
27. Pakistan vs. Baluchistan Separatists and Rebel
28. Tajikistan vs. Popular Democratic Front (1992 to Present)
29. Russia vs. Chechen Separatists (1994 to Present)
30. Republic of Georgia vs. Abkhasia and South Ossetia (1992 to Present)
31. Cambodia Government vs. Khmer Rouge and Royalists (1978 to Present - Vietnam vs. Cambodia Conflict suspended 1989)
32. India vs. Pakistan (Kashmir - 1948 to Present)
33. Indonesia vs. Irian Jaya and Aceh (1969 to Present)
34. Philippines vs. MNLF and NPA (1969 to Present)
35. Myanmar Civil War (1948 to Present)
36. Myanmar Narco-guerrillas vs. U.S. (1988 to Present)
37. People’s Republic of China vs. Uighur or Xianjiang (1996 to Present)
38. People’s Republic of China vs. Tibet (1959 to Present)
39. Sri Lanka vs. Tamil Eelam (1978 to Present)
40. Bangladesh Civil War (1975 to Present)
41. Nepal vs. Communist Party of Nepal Maoist or CPNM (1996 to Present)
42. Laos vs. Hmong Insurgency (1975 to Present)
43. Papua New Guinea vs. Bougainville (1989 to Present)
44. Singapore and Malaysia vs. Piracy in Straits of Malacca (2000 to Present)

45. Algeria vs. FIS and GIA (1991 to Present)
46. Saharan War (Western Sahara vs. Morocco and Mauritania) (1975 to Present)
47. Angola vs. UNITA (1975 to Present - currently suspended)
48. Angola vs. Cabinda Separatists (184 to Present)
49. Burundi Tutsi vs. Burundi Hutu (1990 to Present)
50. Namibia vs. Caprivi Liberation Army (1999 to Present)
51. Niger Civil War (1991 to Present)
52. Congo Civil War (1997 to Present)
53. Democratic Republic of the Congo vs. Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi (1997 to Present)
54. Rwandan Civil War (1994 to Present)
55. Sudan vs. Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army (1983 to Present)
56. Cameroon vs. Nigeria (1994 to Present)
57. Chad vs. Muslim Separatists (1965 to Present)
58. Chad vs. Central African Republic (2002 to Present)
59. Eritrea vs. Ethiopia (1998 to Present - currently suspended)
60. Ethiopia vs. Oromo Liberation Front (1973 to Present)
61. Kenya vs. Kikuyu Rebels (1991 to Present)
62. Liberian Civil War (1989 to Present)
63. Somalia Civil War (1978 to Present)
64. Senegal vs. Guinea-Bissau Border Conflict (1998 to Present)
65. Zimbabwe Civil Unrest (1980 to Present)
66. Sierra Leone vs. Revolutionary United Front and National Provisional Ruling Council (1989 to Present)

EDITTED TO INCLUDE THE REFERENCE ABOVE - Not sure of the Authors credentials so hound MP.net instead

India is busy, isn’t it?

Tht’s what I was thinking too.

Not sure about the inclusion of UK vs Northern Ireland, more Northern Ireland vs IRA and UK vs IRA no?

I thought that the British army was in the unpleasant position of trying to keep those to factions from killing each other?

As for the US “war on drugs” this is not a war in the real sense but a internal police issue. The name is just to hype it up in my view.

Interestingly the US is engaged in two such “wars” and from all accounts the tactics being used are not going to help them win. In both instances they are focusing on the supply side and not on the demand side of the problem.

With regard to the war on drugs it has been said that this situation has been allowed to continue so that laws in the US slowly and steadily move the country to a police state with fewer freedoms than ever. As an outside observer of US politics I find it interesting that there appear to be a couple of “Royal families” that dominate politics. The Kennedies being the most obvious example, but even Bush and the Clinton families are well represented in political offices.

This power group is even starting to spread across the party ideologies, look at govener Swazernegger, he married a Kennedy (a sure way to office) even though he is a staunch Rebulican and the Kennedies are traditionally supporters of the Democrats.

But I digress…

Bluffcove you forgot US vs North Korea 1950 - Present. We just signed an armistice. Therefore the war isnt exactly over. IMO if either side attacked the would have a Casus Bellis because the war was never actually concluded. Somewhat of a Cold war but I would still consider it an open conflict.

Also your number 1 isnt the US alone…there are some more member of the so called Coalition of the Willing.

'Twas a “Cease-Fire” rather than an Armistice, the later implies a cessation of hostilities, the former merely a suspension.

The Falklands war never actually ceased either and should also still be on this list.

I will admit that I didnt write this, but I couldnt find an author it was on another forum, and I felt that it might offer something to this ofrum by providing more wars to talk about than those our own particular militaries have been involved in.

Alot of the central Asian states have been missed out - the 'Stans in particular. If people send me the ones Ive missed I will compile them, or if Sandworm doesnt mind he can jsut edit my posts.

Your a big boy you can edit your own posts. :wink: Just make a reference to so people know. Been on IRONMAN about him doing that so I have to be on everyone.