Warning for Comrade Commisar: Inappropriate Language

Post: The Fock-Wulf FW 190f-2… best fighter/bomber?
User: Comrade Commisar
Infraction: Inappropriate Language
Points: 0

Administrative Note:

Spamming forum with identical topics

Message to User:

This is a formal warning about spamming the forum with identical posts in multiple topics. I’ve already given you an informal warning in one of your other topics (best tank? I can’t quite remember), but you have chosen to ignore it. Most people use the “search for new posts” function, and splitting the topic into multiple identical posts is both highly irritating for them and removes all possibility of the thread turning into an interesting discussion.
Do not do this again!


Original Post:

Tell me if you cant see it…
Photos from the book Military Aircraft 1914 to present day
by Robert Jackson and Jim Winchester.
NOTE: Just enchance the picture.

This one has been really irritating me - he puts multiple identically worded posts in about 5 different sub-forums on a regular basis. Not something we should allow to continue - I’ve aready given him an informal warning about it in one of the threads when I merged them…

Yeah, I noticed. It is rather annoying. My initial suspicion was that Comrade Commisar might be of the stevey/dietrich ilk, but he seems to be more intelligent.

Yeah, I think he’s just a common or garden twit rather than a troll.

Well, it turns out he’s almost certainly a plagarist as well, while claiming it’s all his own work.
The Stalingrad thread ( http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7389 ) is essentially lifted wholesale from an essay by Professor Joel Hayward of the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand which can be found here ( http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/apj97/spr97/hayward.html ).

Looking closely this isn’t a case of copyright infringement as there is a notice at the top of the page saying “approved for public release, distribution is unlimited” - so I suspect he avoids breaking the law on that one by sheer luck. However, at the top of the first page on here it says “By Comrade Commisar”, and when I challenged him he claimed it was all his own work. This is up there with (but not quite as serious as) impersonating veterans - he is pretending to be someone else in order to gain credit for what they have done.

I’ve locked the thread pending further action. I would recommend a substantial but non-permanent ban for this (7-14 days). While I suspect he’s quite young (and indeed Flamethrowerguy has PM’d me with the details of where this came from and asking for ComradeCommisar to be treated leniently), this isn’t something we can just let slide.

Opinions, guys? We won’t be able to actually do anything without Firefly doing it for us, and I’d like to have his opinion on this anyway.

I’ve also noticed that the spelling in his own (real) work is pretty poor.

I’ve deleted a wholesale copy/paste of Wikipedia from this thread (http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7400) and replaced it with a link to the original article.

FF, I know you aren’t keen on user’s posts being edited but the sum effect of my edit here is to remove quoted Wiki content (no attribution until pressed, like usual) and to add a general warning to all members to the post where he admits it is from Wiki. I think (hope!) this is within the rules.

He’s a bit of a toad. But he will burn himself out. I don’t this guys in intentionally being a plagiarist, he’s probably very young and dumb and is just trying to make his mark somehow, but not as a troll. I suspect his burn himself out and move on soon…

But yes, we should crack down on long Wiki reposts; and personally I hate plagiarists…

Personally, I’m getting tired of the broad threads created by first time posters that can easily be researched here and other places…