Warning for krazedkat: Formal mod warning - trolling

User: krazedkat
Infraction: Formal mod warning - trolling
Points: 0

Administrative Note:


Message to User:

You have a formal mod warning recorded in your infractions.

It’s coincidence or my warning made him pull his head in.

I expect it was due to the overwhelming impact of my impressive mod powers. :wink: :smiley:

Your Kung-Fu is strong! It looks like all of them have, it must have been when you turned PingPong into a pillar of Bacon…

They (?) are pretty quiet once the head was cut off…

Ulquiorra logged on yesterday, didnt post anything. Also I gave him a bump about manners via a P.M. on 6-21, concerning his tag team response to L_Lawliet,(shown below) directed at FW-190 Pilot in his “Part of the Border Shutted down” thread.


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Jun 2010
Chillin’ with Aisen

Default Re: Part of the border shutted down?

I agree with Lawliet. And something special just for the thread starter:



Does my stereoscopic vision fail on me? What is this?

The graphic is a whale, having the word fail within it. Meaning I guess a failure of whale sized proportions. The intention is a rude dismissal.
This is the message I sent Ulquiorra.

“I have noticed your special something for the originator of that thread about borders being shut. This is not a playground, and you will comport yourself in a mature, and dignified manner whenever you post to this site. If you wish to be allowed to remain on this site, see that it never happens again. This is an unofficial warning, you get one, so mind your P’s & Q’s.”

I wasn’t as nice, but that’s because he’s posting from that Saskatchewan school of trolling…

I include myself out of that requirement. :wink: :smiley:

As well you should, its more fun that way.