Was Chruchill A Threat.

I dont know on this one, ive got no opinion.
Hitler was threat,Starlin was a threat, American Presitdent was a threat and Mouseileni was a threat kind of.
Was Churchill ever a threat to any one?

Well he was a confirmed colonialist, so if you wanted Independence post World War II and you lived in a British colony, you might have some problems if Churchill was in office as British Prime Minister. On the other hand if one takes India as an example, had Germany won the war, the majority of the population of India would have been sent to the concentration camps, so it was in part thanks to Churchill that there still was an Indian people post World War II existing, so as to be in a position to demand Independence for India.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer


Winston Churchill…The Greatest Man there Ever Was during WW-2…Hail to the Great One!!


Churchill wasn’t a threat to Englishmen/women, but to any minorities in the colonies wanting freedom, he was a starch opponent.

And England needed a man like Churchill during those day’s. England didn’t need a wimp, they needed a man, but not just any man, a MAN like Winston Churchill…The One The Only!!..To stomp the Crouts to smitherene’s. Without Winston Churchill, god knows how England would have managed.!

Well I think Neville Chamberlain deserves some credit too, nobody had ever seen anything like Hitler before and whilst Chamberlain made many mistakes, after Hitler thrashed the Munich agreement by annexing the rest of Czechoslovakia he became a firm opponent of Hitler and there are many politicians today even with the 20/20 hindsight of sixty years having passed since WW2 who fail to recognize what Hitlerian style ideology can get up to and choose to ignore present day dangers to the World.

“Europe You will Pay Your Extermination is on the Way”

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

NO NO dont get me wrong,threat not in a bad way.
i mean was any axis felt like churchill could be dandrous at some point to them in ww2. I know Churchill is a good soul.:smiley:


The best photo of Churchill ever, by Canadian photographer Yousuf Karsh.
From the website Mysteries of Canada:
"One of Churchill’s trademarks was his cigar. When Karsh posed Churchill, he allowed Churchill to hold his cigar. Karsh, in his informal style, walked up to Churchill supposedly to get a light level. He held in his hand the remote for his camera.

Standing in front of Churchill, Karsh casually pulled the cigar from the lips of Churchill and walked back toward his camera. As he walked he clicked his remote and captured the “cross and indignant” look on Churchill’s face."

Herman2, I think this photo represents what England needed
Copyright © Yousuf Karsh

Churchill was a treat to Ireland and may have even ended up been one of the reasons Collins was killed. To me he was an evil man for his thought and actions to my country but his response to Hitler was in my opinion a good one.

What I don’t understand is how Ireland which is so close to England can sit out of the war while England lives are lost to protect England from Hitler, who would have invaded Ireland had England of lost. If I were British, I would have had the impression at the time that the Irish were a bunch of wimps and cowards for not engaging themselves in the war. I wonder if there was resentment towards the Irish during WW-2 when England was being bombed and English lives lost by the hundreds of thousands.Did the English not hate the Irish even more during ww-2 because of this? This is a question and not a complaint or meant to be taken in a bad way.

The Irish in general or De Valera in particular? There were a hell of a lot of Irish volunteers during WW2, and people hadn’t forgotten just how many Irishmen volunteered in WW1 either.

How did the “Irish Guards” under Vandeleur fit in? Have they been a all-volunteer unit?

Volunteer YES…but according to the government, were they considered combatants ?and somewhere else I read, if they came back wearing medals they would be pissed upon. Was the British government not resentful at the Irish government for not joing them, when Canada did and Australia etc? I thought the Irish government would be more supportive of England during those times…oh well.

Keep in mind that Ireland broke off of England in the 20s/30s(can’t remember when off the top of my head), and they probably weren’t too ready to involve themselves in an English conflict.

@Churchill the 1916 rising was the start of the brake off.
The Irish government allowed x amount (1,500 i believe) to join the British army but alot more wanted to join than the Irish government allowed or expected leading to men leaving and volunteering for the British army.