Was fabricated "Aryan" history an excuse to invade

Bear with me. This is about WWII, not races of man:

Why have some European historians said that the origin of the Iranians is Central Asia instead of northern Iran, which is where all evidence points, and more likely because at the end of the last ice age is ewhen homo sapiens appeared? At that time, central Asia, the land European historians claim as the ancestral home of the Aryan (white?) race was covered with ice and virtually uninhabitable. Could it be because in 1833, an Oxford University professor used the term “Aryan” to describe a group of languages with common origins. Although he later admitted that parts of his theory were erroneous, the theory of an Aryan race was used by a group of romanticist writers and western historians in quest for an ancient identity.

The Germans, eyeing vast expanses of land in Central Asia, called themselves Aryans and cried for a return to the homeland. They used the Swastika, which, as a “wheel of Mithra (Sun/Fire)” used to be the arm of the Iranians since ancient times, as a Nazi symbol, to have an alibi to invade Russia.

Hitler’s motive, by all counts was for libesraum (living room) in eastern Europe. However, is it possible that this was only a precursor to his ideas of conquering Russia, and using the supposed ancestral home of the “Aryan” race in central Asia (unlikely) as an excuse?


Well its my understanding that Hitler didnt want to conquer all of Russia. He would have been more than happy to have control up to the Leningrad-Moscow-Stalingrad line. Or just past there. Then chuck the remaining Russians into Siberia.

IMO Motivations were:

  1. Living Space
  2. He hated Bolshivism
  3. Didnt think his supreme Aryan Army could be stopped.

He honestly believed the “all you need do is kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crasing down.”

Just one asshole picking on another. I dont think that he really felt he was taking back the Aryan homeland. Maybe just making it bigger. Hard to try and think for a f**khead like him anyhow.

sounds like what the Skopjans are doing with Macedonia in Greece, claiming Macedonian history, land and origin, so that they can attain Thessalonika

and they’ve even tried taking the Macedonian symbol of the sun

so what Hitler did/said was exacly like Tito’s plan except instead of Greek land it was Iranian land

sounds like what the Skopjans are doing with Macedonia in Greece, claiming Macedonian history, land and origin, so that they can attain Thessalonika

and they’ve even tried taking the Macedonian symbol of the sun

so what Hitler did/said was exacly like Tito’s plan except instead of Greek land it was Iranian land[/quote]

Who are these Skopjans? I thought they were Macedonians and please dont start all this Greek thing again, or if you want to please take it to the other thread.

i would have to doubt that hitler is that insane. i mean events that occur during an ice age should never resurface and create a world war…