We Have a New Mod on the Way...

I just wanted to say this. We have a new Mod, and there will be joy, chagrin, and bloody fear when he is announced.

I shall say that there has been talk and speculation so I must state that despite popular demand, stevey14/88, Bubba, and Aly J will not be modded despite the overwhelming quality of their posts and boundless knowledge of WWII.

Having said that, I do hope they continue to contribute with a bevy of their immaculate postings which make this site so worthwhile…

Hopefully none of our regular mods are leaving us?

I’ll spill the beans,its…

Oh sh!ti Not himi

Can we make some bets?

Nope, we’re just feeling lazy and wish to spread the workload. Furthermore, there are moves afoot to give us mod control over the photo section as well, and the additional mod(s) will also help ensure that this doesn’t cause an increase in our workload.

Feel free. It’ll be amusing to see if you guys think the same way we do!

I hope it’s Rising sun,his famous post gave back some powers to the Moderator’s team.
I think he genuinely cared.

Nope, we’re just feeling lazy and wish to spread the workload. Furthermore, there are moves afoot to give us mod control over the photo section as well, and the additional mod(s) will also help ensure that this doesn’t cause an increase in our workload. (pdf27 quote)

Well, I’m glad ya’ll will have more control over the pic site also. There are some definite Neo-nazi types on there. Plus others that are just plain stupid, not ideologically (?) stupid.

We have a new Mod, and there will be joy, chagrin, and bloody fear

I am not quite sure what “chagrin” means but does not sound like a good thing :shock:

Main Entry:
French, from chagrin sad
circa 1681
: disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure

Ughh…so bad is this new mod ?

I dunno - it all depends who out there wants to be a mod and isn’t going to be selected this time around. Aly J, stevey14/88 and herman2 are all likely to be suffering from it!

Herman2 especially! :smiley:

It means very unpleasantly surprised.
much like the reaction you might have if you your favorite wine had gone to vinegar on you.:shock::evil:(kind of like this)

Or if my favorite girl wasnt a girl…:smiley:

That could be deadly! :wink:

The rumours are true, the Mod team is to be increased by not one, but three. The three new Mods will be announced and sworn in later this week hopefully.

The increase in Mods is just that, none of the others are leaving and we plan to expand into the photo section and get to grips with the fascist trend in there lately.

Were working for you here and any suggestions for improvements are more than welcome. As long as they are sensible!

Wow, three new ones? You guys must really need help.

That may constitute something greater than chagrin, but fits in spirit,

HEyyyyyyyyyy. Why you put my fine name attached to them others? The Hermanmeister has made some considerable contributions to this fine site, unlike them others. I can only hope that the new Mod is as Nice and as compassionate and knowledgable as PDF and the gang. My hat goes off to the new Mod and although no one can be as good as PDF when it comes to Mod stuff, I am sure we will all be happy that the new Mod will make life easier for the current Mods who work so hard at their enduring tasks each and every day.All together now Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!!:army: