We want your opinion

We have tried to creat activities so that members can do stuff as a group and make this site a better place, but so far we have to admit those activities are not as popular as we anticipated

so we want to know what kind of activities you want, it doesnt have to be related to world war 2. Anyone can provide with a good idea would be reward with a medal, thanks for reading and have a nice day

Maybe we could have an article forum, where you can write an article about things, maybe war related or perhaps including other areas. This is just an idea that could be built on. Maybe a prize each month for the best article?

how about we can have an area for article, and an area for fiction writing about world war 2(or other warfare)

That does sound good!

How about we give it a trial run in off topic and if the number of topics grow then we will create a whole new section dedicated to it. Sound good?

that would be done

anyone else can provide good idea?

I don’t know if this is a good idea, but what about creating “Alternative history” thread in off topic related to WWII?
It has to be closely monitored by Mods to curb really stupid ideas and promote discussion on the good ones.
This thread my grow into independent section.

Here some ideas:

What would happen if Rommel moved Panzers to Omaha, Juno and Sword beaches about 10 am 6-th of June?

If Operation Barbarossa was started mid April 1941 - would this time allow Guderain to conquer Moscow?

French army and BEF breaching Siegfried Line on 12 September 1939 and moving into Germany - what’s happening?

I think this Forum has got great potential but most posts are not provoking discussion only approval or disapproval.
The question for improvement should be " How to promote live discussion?"

Best regards,


that is exactly what i want,
do you mind to start the first topic in off topic and we will see how it goes?

Hi Brigadier, :slight_smile:

Done. I will post something tomorrow. (I’m sick today and have to pacify my wife :oops: )
I’ll try to make it attractive and really start nice discussion.



thanks for the post:)