Web videos: WW2 Dive Bombing, P-38s, B-29s,B-25s, Galland & more

Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In January 2012 Newsletter

Hello World War 2 aircraft fans –

You are invited to drop by Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com/ to view this months showing of six classic World War 2 aviation videos streaming over the Web. I’ve selected five favorite videos plus a new premier feature, “Air Strikes Against Japan.”

As always, all of the videos showing on our web site are for your free viewing pleasure. Help “spread the word” by liking us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter @ZenosWarbirds

Now showing “At the Matinee” at Zeno’s Drive-In

Introduction to Dive Bombing - Remastered for web streaming Before you leave the deck in your Dauntless, you’d better learn how to hit the target. The US Navy pioneered dive bombing techniques after World War I and it shows in this informative film, produced by the Department of the Navy in 1943. You’ll learn everything from the basic theory of dive bombing to how to put your egg on a real target, including fast moving ships at sea. Navy SBD “Dauntless” dive bombers delivered fatal blows against the Japanese carrier force at the battle of Midway using the same techniques you’ll see in this film. A must for history buffs and virtual combat pilot’s alike.

Air Strikes Against Japan - NEW! This documentary was produced after World War 2 using archival footage, complimented with additional maps and graphics. It gives a clear overall picture of the Allied air offensive against the Japanese home islands. While the video focuses on the deployment and use of the revolutionary B-29 Superfortress, you’ll see much more, including Jimmy Doolittle’s inspiring raid on Tokyo and rare late War footage of carrier based strikes against the Japanese mainland. A good overview of an under reported aspect of World War 2 Air combat operations.

Back Door Gang P-38s :430th FS Color Scrapbook. Drive-In Exclusive Original Production Newly discovered color film of the 430th FS, 474th FG, 9th Air Force. From the get go, the 474th was configured as a ground attack unit, but they also provided bomber escort and level bombing, led by Norden equipped “Droop Snoops.” One of three P-38 squadrons in the 474th, the 430th’s call sign was “Back Door,” and its planes and pilots are featured in the film in the Spring of 1945 at their base in Florennes, Belgium, a former Luftwaffe Night Fighter base. You’ll see intense (and rare) color gun camera film showing strafing attacks inside Germany, as well as color footage of B-26s and a P-61 Black Widow. Perhaps most memorable are the all too brief, silent portraits of the men who flew those dangerous missions. It’s amazing how color film brings 60+ year old images to life.

Winged Artillery - Exclusive – reconstructed audio & color corrected video. Nine 75mm cannon firing B-25Gs of the 48th Bomb Squadron, 7AAF, based on Apamama in the Gilbert Islands, conduct a hair raising tree top level strike on the Japanese air base on Mille. Also features amazingly well preserved and very rare color footage of daily life of air crew and ground personnel stationed on the islands. As a bonus, you’ll watch Sea Bees using heavy equipment to transform these hard won tropical atolls into fully functioning air bases and ground crews maintaining the Mitchell’s massive canons.

Luftwaffe Finis! Exclusive production. This original documentary is composed of recently discovered color film of top Luftwaffe leaders and pilots taken as they fell into Allied hands at the end of World War II. See Reichsmarschall Herman Goering, commander of Luftwaffe fighter forces Adolf Galland, Stuka pilot & tank buster supreme Hans Rudel and many more. Captured aircraft are shown as well, including an Me 262, the first jet fighter, and an FW 190. These color images make history come alive.

Operation Titanic “Politics makes strange bedfellows!” The problem: key Axis strategic assets were located so deep in Eastern Europe that they either could not be reached by Allied bombers or involved a lengthy round trip that exposed aircraft to heavy German attacks. The solution was Operation Titanic, aka “Operation Frantic Joe,” one of the most audacious and least known strategic operations of the war. U.S. 15 Air Force bombers and fighters based in Italy bombed targets in the East, landed in Russia, refueled & rearmed, and then hit another target on the way back. 8th Air Force bombers based in the UK did the same. The Soviets provided three bases in the Ukraine; heavy bombers at Poltava and Mirgorod and the fighters at Piryatin. The US provided material to substantially upgrade them. This film tells that story.

If you haven’t stopped by Zeno’s Drive-In before, we also feature 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy films and pilot’s manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! - don’t miss the F-86 & B-58!

Free admission for all. That’s over 14 hours of rockin’ World War II props & jets for free viewing over the Internet!


Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In
World War II Aviation Videos Playing Online 24/7
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Web videos: WW2 Dive Bombing, P-38s, B-29s,B-25s, Galland & more