Wehrmacht soldier using U.S Carbine - German Forces | Gallery

Wehrmacht soldier using U.S Carbine

Wehrmacht soldier using U.S Carbine...Battle of the Bulge

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/30833/wehrmacht-soldier-using-u.s-carbine

From the famous captured film from Battle of the Bulge, which includes trooper image used on the ‘400 Images’ ad for this website and many other media spots. Poteau ambush, yes. And the cigarettes are U.S. issue too! I bet he ditched that carbine shortly.

Waffen-SS soldiers (1. SS-Panzer-Division), from Kampfgruppe Hansen.

I think this photo is from the Poteau ambush.
Here’s a photo of the same soldier, Poteau ambush aftermath - German Forces | Gallery