Welcome back Transylvania - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

Welcome back Transylvania

The Transylvanian magyar(hungarian) girls greet the magyar honvéds somewhere in Transylvania in 1940 (The name of the territory in hungarian:Erdély, in german:Siebenbürgen). Transylvania was a Hungarian land from 896-1920 and from 1940-1945.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/hungarian-forces/36966/welcome-back-transylvania

EDMD: Yes, you are correct, color photography was in its infancy back then, but the photo must have been taken by someone from Hungary, where Agfa and Kodak labs were available by 1940. By the way, the arrangement of the photo seems to be strictly amateur.

As I am trying to reach a hand out to you, let me just state that from a Hungarian point of view, losing Erdely in 1920 was like the amputation of a leg or an arm – very painful and debilitating. So the photos you may often see on the subject here, are an expression of that terrible pain for the most part. Would a Romanian feel any differently in a similar situation? So in may ways we are in the same boat.

But the past is past, the clock can not be turned back, and the only sound conclusion rational people may reach is that we must find new ways, within the EU, for enjoying the province that both peoples, and the remaining Germans, continue to cherish. It seems to me that the process has already begun, but I mainly read "old news."

Best wishes to you. By the way, we both got it wrong, in 1940 the North-eastern region of Transylvania was awarded to Hungary.