Welcome in life "Kosova"!!!!!!

There is a expression in my country:
" If the baby murmur “ka”-“ka”, “ka”-“ka”… bring him to the toilet, diferently he’s gone to make dirty in the kitchen."

It seems, that simple thing Serbiens don’t understand. I am very surry for them.

I’m going to make the things a little more easy for every one, that don’t know how the topic is evolve, until he’s arrive in this point.

The story is simple!
Many, many years ago… and here, we are talking for some senturies before… There was a sterile wuman coming from the steppe called Serbia. The night was cold and she decide to knock in the first house, which should find along the way. And didn’t retard, when appear in front of her eye, near the sea a marvelous building. High, in front of building something was written, but she was illiterate. She noticed the letters, but her primitive brain wasn’t be able to make any sense. She still remember those letters. There was written these letters… “ILIRIA
“That’s it” - she thinks - “I find the house, now let’s knock”
The door opened and behind her appeared one old-looking lady… but lady.

  • What are you looking for outside in this dark night my dear… - asked the old lady.
  • My name is Serbia. I come from steppe. My slavic cousins expeled me from there and now i’m looking around for a place to stay.
    From the lady’s eye something like humid fluid was droped.
  • My name is ILIRIA. I live here with my kids. Come in! We will find a place in my house for you too.
    Lady ILIRIA start to care for her, like for her kids. She gives her room, dresses, and presents her to Ballkan civilization. But all of this was’t enough for a girl coming from the steppe. She wanted more… So one day the moment arrived. Get uot the steppe snakes poison, which keeped secretly in her breasts and furtively dumped in familly food. And this was the last day , that ILIRIA and her kids was seen in life. But there is no perfect plane in this world. What do you think… the steppe girls plane cut be!!! In fact… it wasn’t. The two, most little kids… Albania and Kosova didn’t eat that food. The two little kids comprehended the role which had deciding to choose their new familiar and they start to keep their eyes open.
    Dhe first crime she introduced to the world eyes like one fatal accident, but there need some thing more genius to cover the second and third crime. So for havnig a better cover, she come out and start to cry out around neighbourhood about the danger that Albania and Kosova represent. And now, while i’m writing here, in my ear are coming disengaged phrases of her greeds.

This is one analogy about what Serbia have done to ballkans from the day, that she appeares in this dreamland.

Have you think ever… Why the Serbia hasn’t archaeology…?!
The answer is simple.
No, no because they havn’t picks to grub… ahahahaha… Nooooo!
But because they’re afraid to find out Albaniens and Kosovars grandfathers tombs under their habitations. So big is getting up this fear, as… dhey don’t making bases for them constructions.
Serbia… look out … there are quakes around!!!

My regards to everybody!

The Albanians appear in history very late, only in the11th century , while the Illyrians disappeared from the historical scene in the first half of the 3rd century . This means that between the disappearance of the Illyrians and the appearance of the Albanians there is a hietus of about eight centuries.

I am sure Albanians have similar fairy tales about Macedonia and Greece to justify their pretences. And they’ll compose more about other lands if it is necessary.

Hello Kato!

Dear friend!

You have reading the history, thinking that she is writing from the same person. Isn’t it?!
I’m not magus to understand your cognitions, but let me explain two or three concepts, which you must know by heart, before reading the history.
The history is seperate in periods. And every period was writing from different individs, whu has seen the historical marching from different points of view. But wasn’t only dhe different points of view, whu had make all this confusion… some times was the view itself. I always sead… The eyes first of all!
The view interloped and lose lucidity easily, when she meet in the way well-known identitys like “concern”, which can take a lot of forms and dressing a lot of colours!
In the same peride of history, she was writing in different ways!!! What can we say for the different periodes…
For one good understanding of history in her different periods, except the “point of view” or “view” itself, we must keep in consideration a few others factors. One of them is the mentality. That is to say… how they(historians) see the world.
And now let return to our question!!!

The Albanians appear in history very late, only in the11th century , while the Illyrians disappeared from the historical scene in the first half of the 3rd century . This means that between the disappearance of the Illyrians and the appearance of the Albanians there is a hietus of about eight centuries.

I don’t know wich of tham you have wriding(historian), but i’m going to make one persuasion.

You make me this question, becose you have no idea how the world functionated in this historical period.
Let enter in this history period.
I’m coming down near your outlook and we will see… I give you one analogy.

I guess you’r listening about US… Don’t tell me you never heard US…
Somewhat like that was ILIRIA, but senturies before. With other words, one big nation with dozens of little states inside, which speaches the same language.

You Serbiens don’t understand this… you’r coming here to late. When you’r coming here, Ballkans hade more then five senturies in the feudalist order. Ehhhhh you are new here. We haved here beautiful times…
You didn’t arrive in time to see the war between two roman empires. You certainly ask… “who from them wins”. I’m not sure who wins, but i’m sure who losed. Losed ILIRIA. Becose ther frontier cross her dividing. So thanks to roman “help”, you find here the dreamland. Horde of slavic population finding one disorientate Rom, started to organize themselfs. So under sample of roman state, they created structures which slowly transformed in monarchy. Deployd in this situation, and in front of new reality Ilirian population had no too much chooses. They slowly has been absorbe from the new population. And then, there was no reason to call this region Iliria. Because the Ilirian population was absorbeited from dhe new popolation, which don’t speak Ilirian.
When the roman empire was on the end, that responds to your cronology, the only who speaks Ilirian language was the south. And the most known from them was ALBANIEN. Slowly taken this name all the other populations, who speaks the same language …

I am sure Albanians have similar fairy tales about Macedonia and Greece to justify their pretences. And they’ll compose more about other lands if it is necessary.

I see… this performance, has taken from you plenty of time. Don’t lose your time analyse that kind of old wives’ tales(gossips). Let the women taking cure of them. Believe me… there are many things, that the women do better than us.

My regards to everybody!

You contradict yourself. You said that the majority Illyrians were absorbed by Serbs and the modern Albanians are mainly the descendants of just one Illirian tribe mentioned by Polybius as Arbanios, Arbanitai with their city Arbon in the 2nd century.

You’ve just admitted that Serbs are the heirs to Illyrian ethnicity while Albanian are mainly the heirs to only one Illyrian tribe.
It means that modern Albanians are not only entitled to any territories of neighbouring states but are not entitled even to the bulk of Albania.

What’s more the ties of modern Albanians to the Illyrian one can’t be confirmed. The ethnonym applied to the people now known as Albanians is first attested from the 11th century (e.g. Anna Komnene, Alexiad 4.8.4), the first reference to a lingua albanesca dates to the later 13th century. So how can one explain the gap of 8 centuries? Very easy.

The word Albania is formed from the indoeuropen root alb - mountain, Albania - “mountainous land”. It had not implied any definite ethnicity till the 11-12 centuries. For instance, another nation known as Albanians lived in the Caucases on the territory of present-day Republic of Azerbaijan and southern Dagestan just at the same period when Illyria existed.

Blatant attempt at trolling with not even a shred of linkage to WW2. Topic locked.