Welcome to britain-British documentary film

Hello all,

its lovely to be a member I am wanting to ask if it is possible to ask questions on here regarding the the public information film “Welcome to Britain” (oversexed,over paid, over here DVD).

I am a British mature university student and researching this film as part of a project.

I wish to ask regarding anyone having any thoughts on how this film (and other documentary films at this time) were received within britain and the USA? Did the Amercian soldiers within Britain ever get to see these films before or after coming to the Britain, if they did what were their views on this film, did it explain the british way of life to them?

How it this film (and others) now remembered or regarded?

Any thoughts on this film (or the documentary movement) whether your own views or any relative would be appreciated.

I thank you for any comments,

Kind regards

Gillian (Yorkshire, UK)
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Helo Gillian,
You do not mention which film you have. I did a bit of work on this subject (I hate to think how long ago-maybe 20 years). The Ministry of Information produced a whole series of ‘Welcome to Britain’ films for viewing to various Allied forces–certainly with US forces as the prime target. The US Army film unit also produced a huge number of shorts with the same aim of ‘harmonising relations’. (If you ever get the chance you should see the one about 'Avoiding romantic meetings with French civilian women"!) (1944). It’s hilarious.
Sometimes the films included people who were or became ‘Big stars’ and were produced by the Top People in Hollywood and the UK film industry and are absolute gems in terms of production techniques and acting. Many feature films of the time were thinly disgused ‘Infommercials’ of the day.
You may be aware that the Imperial War Museum has an extensive film library available to bona fide students and researchers ( say goodbye to the next ten years of your life) and I seem to recall that they had started a process of digitalising everything some time back.
I had pretensions of writing a book ( books!) about WW2 and carried out oodles of research from the 1970s onwards. I also collected a lot of acnecdotal interviews from people who were around at the time-which I would be glad to share, including the (somewhat disreputable) reminisences of my Mother, my Aunt and their absolutely tarty pal, Enid, of dates with American Officers.
re: the original question---- I do recall seeing a US Army short that tried to explain to US troops how to handle British Duodecimal currency, explain the terms fortnight, three ha’pence, warn against insulting the royal family etc. But it was pretty mild.
I vaguely recall seeing a pretty-hard hitting ‘talking-head’ film, also an American production featuring Eisenhower, no less, addressing US troops and instructing them to have more respect to British troops and civilians, reminding them that had been at war for a long time and had sacrificed much.
It was obviously produced in response to a problem. Unfortunately many of the problems were covered up at the time for the sake of unity. For instance, in Liverpool in 1944 there were two days of riots between British (black) caribbean troops and US (black) GIs. There was also an incident where Black GIs were kicked out of a dance hall where they were having a great time with White English girls by White US soldiers. The Black GIs went back to base and drew automatic weapons and ended up killing a dozen (white) US MPs. Several Black GIs were subsequently hanged by the US Army.
Post me for more.

Further to my post above-
On the evening in question, Thursday 24 June 1943, several black GIs had spent their time drinking at the Olde Hob Inn, a thatched pub, unusual for this area, not far from their barracks. Bamber Bridge had been the headquarters of the 1511th Quartermaster Truck Regiment for several months though the town itself had little to recommend it and many of the men preferred to spend their leisure time in Preston. Quite a few of these soldiers worked long, hard hours delivering weapons and ammunition by truck to American air bases all over the country. With the weather warm and sultry (though hardly matching Detroit’s highs) some had decided on this occasion to drink nearer home. Doubtless the troubles back in the USA were on their minds.

At 10.00 p.m. the English pub-closing ritual began, to the jeers of the blacks and some local soldiers and civilians who were there. This attracted the attention of two white American military policemen, normally located in Preston, who happened to be driving by in their jeep. An attempt was made to arrest one black GI for being improperly dressed and one MP drew his gun when threatened by a black brandishing a bottle. After the occupants of the jeep beat a diplomatic retreat the vehicle returned with two more MPs. Arrests were again attempted this time while the black GIs were walking back along the quiet streets of terraced houses towards their base. Another scuffle took place and blood was drawn. An MP fired his pistol, hit one of the soldiers and there was further confusion and shouts of ‘kill the goddam son of a bitch.’ After several more shots were fired both sides withdrew, the blacks attempting to help their wounded.

Back at the camp rumour fed rumour: many blacks of the several hundred stationed there were shrieking, and stories of blacks being shot in the back increased the tension. Though some men had already gone back into town with arms, at about 11.30 things seemed to be getting calmer. This peace was shattered at midnight, however, when an improvised armoured car full of MPs screeched into the area with searchlights blazing and a machine-gun aloft. Ignoring all pleas the mutinous blacks broke into storerooms. Stealing weapons and ammunition, they smashed through the camp gates and careered into Bamber Bridge, firing at any military vehicles or personnel they saw. British civilians watched the activity with a mixture of awe and horror. The MPs set up a road block at the end of one street, and it was here that one black was shot, to die several days later. Trucks continued to chase around the streets until the early hours of Friday morning when the mutiny, as it was termed, ended.

Many of the weapons and several members of the battalion did not reappear for a few days. In addition to the dead GI, two other blacks and one white officer were shot and there were other injuries caused by bottles and fists. Over twenty men from the depot were eventually found guilty at two courts martial of charges ranging from assault, resisting arrest and illegal possession of rifles, to riot. Sentences of between three months and fifteen years were handed out, though on appeal these were reduced and most of the men were back on duty in about a year.

Launceston is a pretty Cornish town on the edge of Bodmin Moor with the port of Plymouth to its south and the seaside resorts of Devon and Cornwall to the north. On Saturday night, 25 September 1943, five black GIs from an ordnance unit were told to return to camp by MPs when it was found that they did not have passes, forcing them to miss the local dance. They did not leave easily and one threateningly told an MP: ‘If you lay hands on me, you’ll get what’s in my pocket.’ The next night eighteen black soldiers entered the lounge bar of a pub in the town. White soldiers were drinking there too and the barman told the blacks that they couldn’t be served in that part of the house. These blacks had not apparently been in Britain for long and were loath to accept a practice by then common in many public houses of landlords reserving separate areas for black and white Americans. They left, reluctantly, only to sneak back into town later having armed themselves with tommy guns, rifles and bayonets. When they encountered two MPs in a jeep in the town square they ignored calls to disperse and opened fire, causing people to run in all directions. The two policemen were wounded in their legs and a few weeks later fourteen black GIs faced a court martial in Paignton in Devon, charged with mutiny and attempted murder. After a three-day hearing all were sentenced to death or life imprisonment. Some, according to Walter White, were still serving their sentences two years later in prisons in America.

Preparations for the invasion of France in mid-1944 meant that of necessity black and white Americans were forced into closer contact, causing more vigorous competition for recreational facilities and leading to a subsequent increase in tension between the races. It is probably because it happened so close to D-Day that an incident in Leicester was not reported in the local press at all – to reveal the names of the units to which the protagonists belonged might have been helpful to the enemy.

Trouble between the races in Leicester was not new. At the beginning of February 1943 the Chief Constable there passed on complaints from the landlord of the Three Cranes pub about blacks bringing in young girls. In addition a white American from Kettering had been stabbed by a black based in Gaddesby. The Officer was concerned to point out, however, that the white troops were ‘the cause of the trouble… they began the taunting of the blacks.’ He suggested that the black and white GIs should either have separate leave time in Leicester on the alternate-day system, or, failing that, whites should be told to use Northampton, further south, and Leicester or Nottingham should be designated ‘black’ towns.

Though new troops were always coming and going in Britain during the war it was amazing how quickly the stories of black and white conflict could assume the status of folklore. Certainly black troops in Leicester had been dating local girls for some time when white paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division arrived in the area to train for the landings in France. When they saw black soldiers escorting white women to pubs and dances they made increasingly bitter taunts which eventually culminated in fights. For members of a black quartermaster aviation battalion working on aerodrome construction just outside Leicester this was the last straw. Since many of the young paratroopers were from the southern states clashes were almost inevitable. As at Bamber Bridge and Launceston the blacks commandeered weapons and a truck and the ensuing riot resulted in the death of an MP from the Airborne Division.

Troubles of some sort between black and white troops in the Bristol area had been simmering for a long time. Part of the problem there was that the organization of the leave areas was complex, and seen by many blacks as discrimination. In addition Bristol was one of those areas where racist white Americans were busiest, and blacks were driven to using the least desirable pubs. John Keith of the Colonial Office saw some of the problems for himself in the summer of 1942. He’d been to visit the black Americans in Liverpool and then in Bristol where the position was ‘far less satisfactory… giving rise to comments.’ They were said to be ‘kept in barracks and only allowed out to be marched to work on the pretext that they may interfere with women.’ Keith rightly felt that ‘this confinement of the troops was just the way to bring about undesirable incidents.’ When blacks did step out of line they were soon put right. A writer on the Bristol Evening Post saw this at first hand in October 1942 when black GIs left a pub rather worse for wear: ‘As they were marshalled out and told their carriage was waiting, each at the door received a tap on the head from a very businesslike-looking truncheon. They went quickly home probably unaware of the cause of their sudden drowsiness. And I don’t suppose there was any subsequent “inquest” on the proceeding. They have their own code of justice and who shall gainsay it?’


July in Britain is high summer when the evenings are long and light and 1944 was no exception with blackout regulations not coming in force until just after 11.00 p.m. Many of the black GIs in and around Bristol, however, had other matters on their minds apart from the British weather. The big explosion there came late on Saturday 15 July, but tension had begun to mount on the previous Monday, and doubtless at the black American Red Cross Club rumour was rife. Again, an aviation truck battalion was involved. The lesson of Leicester had not yet been learned, however, for these blacks were joined at their base, the Miller Orphanage camp, on 10 July by white paratroop replacements. The blacks claimed that two of their men were beaten up without provocation. This was followed by several incidents involving blacks and whites in Bristol over the next few days. As usual the cause of the problem was not difficult to find: the white paratroopers resented the easy relations that had developed between the white British girls in the town and the black soldiers.

On Thursday 13 July, the discontent spread. Men from the 545th Port Company, based at Sea Mills Camp, tough city blacks mainly from Detroit and New York, mutinied by staying in their billets and refusing to turn out for reveille even when the Articles of War were read to them.

The eruption finally occurred on 15 July around Park and Great George Streets. A large number of black GIs had gathered there on that Saturday evening and brawling had broken out. Extra MPs were drafted in and some calm was restored. The black troops were then marched off to the Tram Centre where trucks were to take them back to their camps. This procedure in itself must have been an awesome sight for the onlooker: Great George Street comes down from Brandon Hill and runs into Park Street, one of the city’s main arteries. Both streets slope quite steeply and the ‘march’ down to the Tram Centre about a quarter of a mile away (now simply called the Centre) may well have induced some panic in the GIs. Some of them had knives and while they were being disarmed a black soldier, who was stabbing an MP, was shot by another MP. Not surprisingly, a ‘mob spirit’ prevailed among the black GIs with MPs shooting people in the legs. Buses were drawn across some of the roads to confine the incident, while some of the wounded were dealt with by members of the St John Ambulance Brigade, who took the more seriously hurt off to Bristol Infirmary. The disturbance had involved 400 black and white troops and it had taken 120 military policemen and many arrests to bring the situation back under control. One black GI was killed and dozens may have been wounded. Bristol remained under military curfew for several days.

At ten o’clock on the morning of Thursday 9 November 1944, one of the war’s more bizarre chapters was about to unfold in a most unlikely location. A dartboard was still hanging on the wall of the mess room adjoining the barracks in Thatcham, near Newbury in Berkshire, where ten young black Americans were waiting with a mixture of apprehension and bewilderment for their court martial to begin. In the crowded, stuffy, makeshift courtroom they were about to face proceedings which could end with their executions. They listened quietly as the most serious of the charges, that of murder, was read to them. They were accused of killing three people, one of them the wife of a pub landlord, in an act of revenge which went dreadfully wrong.

The incident had begun exactly five weeks earlier to the day, and was all over in the space of about six hours. The men of the all-black 3247 Quartermaster Service Company had come from Devon on that Thursday, 5 October, to their new camp about a mile from Kingsclere, a village half-way between Newbury and Basingstoke in Britain’s leafy south. They had arrived at their destination at about 4.30 in the afternoon, cleaned up their barracks and prepared their bunks. As was normal practice when they were on the move, each man had his weapon – a rifle or a carbine – and these were not taken away until about 10.45 that evening. After attending to their chores and eating, some of the men went into Kingsclere though no leave passes had been issued. They made their way to the Bolton Arms, one of several pubs in the village, where shortly after 7.00 p.m. they were approached by three or four American auxiliary military policemen. They were told that they had to return to camp because they had no passes and were improperly dressed. One soldier later claimed that an MP had cocked a rifle at him. An hour later they were on their way back to base in a truck and an earnest conversation began to develop about returning to get the MPs: ‘We are going down there with our rifles,’ said one GI, while another argued that they should take the rifles away from the MPs and then beat them up.

At around 9.30 p.m. rural England took on the appearance of the Old West as ten black soldiers walked back into the village, loading their weapons as they went. They looked for the MPs first in the Bolton Arms, and then in another pub, the Swan Inn, before going on the Crown Inn at about ten o’clock. Inside, in various rooms of the pub finishing off their drinks, were about eight or nine black GIs, probably also out without passes, a few locals and several MPs. One or two of the ‘snowdrops’ as the MPs were commonly called, left the pub and a single shot rang out, followed quickly by a volley of gunfire. In movie style everyone hit the floor. When the smoke had literally cleared one black GI lay dead in a pool of blood, shot in the head. The landlord’s wife, Mrs Rose Napper, was lying in an inner room with a bullet wound in her jaw. She died in hospital in the early hours of the next morning. Outside, lying in a garden about 150 yards away, was the dead body of a black American MP, a bullet through his heart.

About forty people were packed into the cramped room as the court martial opened on that November morning. Apart from the defendants, the most interested spectators were the barrister representing the landlord of the Crown, and two senior officers from the Berkshire and Hampshire constabularies. As the day progressed the atmosphere grew more cloying and the air became thicker. Though smoking was not allowed while the trial was taking place everybody puffed away furiously during the short intervals. Two of the accused appeared to be asleep as 7.00 p.m. approached on the first day, one with his head in his hands.

The next morning was bright and sunny as the defence opened. That didn’t take long for only one man elected to take the witness stand, while three of the others made short, unsworn statements. Ironically one of these said he wouldn’t have been in the pub at all that evening if it hadn’t been his birthday. It was thirty minutes before the military court reached its verdict and it was during this period that the gravity of it all seemed to hit some of the men, one of whom knelt and prayed with his Bible in his hand. Nine of the men were found guilty on all three counts – murder, riotous assembly and absence without leave – and despite having no previous convictions they were given life sentences with hard labour. The tenth man was found guilty of being AWOL. The trial had left as many questions as it provided answers. How and why had this hatred of MPs been generated in such a short time? Had the fact that at least one MP was black been of significance? Had the men’s experience elsewhere in Britain led to this bitterness? Were any white officials reprimanded for sloppy weapons-storing procedures? The only known sequel to the affair was that a US colonel apologized to Harry Haig, the Regional Commissioner, for the company’s behaviour, and the remainder of the men who had not been on trial were quickly dispatched overseas

Hello Cato!!!

Thank you so much for your reply!:smiley: I was enthralled :slight_smile:

The film in regards to my project is titled “Welcome to Britain” - its from a DVD collection named “oversexed, overpaid, over here”. The film was directed by Anthony Asquith and starred Burgess Meredith and Bob Hope…


above is the as link to the synopsis of the film.

I have to select a clip from the film to go more into detail. (I have 3 that i have selected that are of interest)

  1. The Britain pub (what they are, and who we behave in a pub )

  2. The Rationing of food - (How rationing effected british families and how not to eat all their weekly rations, if invited for lunch)

  3. The Black and white GI traveling on a train together - and a british old lady
    showing hospitality with her goodbyes, and inviting them to lunch if they ever visited “birmingham,UK” (the black GI came from Birmingham, alabama)

I also, as part of my project have to research the historical economic, social, cultural, political, institutional and geograhical factors of the time that this film was produced ~ 1943 . I feel the choose is between the rationing of food and the Black and white GIs.

I suppose i am just afraid of not having the right information, I have to do an oral presentation for 10mins to my lecture class, and then use this and feedback from the talk to write a 2000 word essay!

I also have to quote all my sources for where i found my information.

My questions are firstly, how did the amercian soldier received this film, explaining how to behave whilst living in britain, did the find it a helpful public information film? how was it received?

I have to conclude about how this film and other MOI films are regards and thought of today ~ do these films believe have good or bad views as to how they produced information during the war to the masses?

I am a little nervous and how to go about the Black and white aspect of the fillm. this would also coming into the historical part of what was happening at this time in both countries.

I would appreciate and be honoured

which I would be glad to share, including the (somewhat disreputable) reminisences of my Mother, my Aunt and their absolutely tarty pal, Enid, of dates with American Officers.

to hear any of your stories or thoughts…:)Thank you!!

do you want to have my email address, i can private message you.

I am so grateful to your information, this is really appreciated.

I will go further read you last post ( sorry i was still typing my thoughts to you!)

Kind regards


Hi Cato,

After reading your last post, ( which was very interesting, than you )

Were the conflicts between US Black and white GI themselves (bringing their own US problems across the water), or were there incidence of British soldiers or Civilians?

can you provide me with the resources for the information within your last two post, if possible.

Could you recommend any material regarding these issuses within America/and or Britain at this time (1900-1943) that would give me relevant details re: slavery, racial tension that existed between whites and blacks.

Were alot of the conflict covered up for unity, or just the follow up to D-Day?

I will also be doing my own research on this subject…

I will private message you my email address

Kind regards for now

that seems to be a really interesting docu… i might as well give that one a check . by the way , good luck on your paper.