Wellington bomber - British Forces | Gallery

Wellington bomber

RAF Wellington bomber and crew. Night after night they made the hazardeous journey across the North Sea and through a storm of flak to drop their payloads on German cities.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/40617/wellington-bomber

The Wellington Bomber was used to take the fastest build of a Bomber world record from the USA which stood at 48 hours.

In 1943 Broughton’s workers gave up their weekend to assemble Wellington bomber LN514 from scratch and against the clock. Many were women, or men too young, too old or too infirm to join the armed forces.

“The record? Yes, they broke it, those workers,” remarked the newsreel’s narrator. “They said they’d build a bomber in their spare time in 30 hours. Its wheels lifted from the ground in exactly 24 hours and 48 minutes.”