Hollo folks.
I found an interesting post of our new american member Strangy that seem for me is the sort of the Revisionism.
Holy true.
Indeed the Germans army wasn’t evil coz they fought against the Bolshevism.
And this wasn’t a Germans army who made a henocide toward the civil low race population (" bolshevics" who were suspected in the symphaties for partisans and Jews who was suspected to be the Jews)) in the Ukraine, Belorussia and Russia. Sure it was just Hitler with friends;)
And its seems you are fogetting tha fact that not only the GErmans army was good , but also and Luftwaffe and Krigsmarine was also GOOD.
The Luftwaffe bombed the Britain who supported the Bolsevics by lend lease and Krigsmarine sinked the US transports in Atlantic that also supported the Soviets by the LEnd lease.
So i think in this prospect you dear Strangy would not deny the obvious fact that not ONLY the Germans army , but also and the Japanes Imperor army was a good, coz they fought against the White Colonialism in Asia, right?
Sure the Japanes IMPEROR was evil, but not the Japane Army and Population coz they Believed they fought for a GOOD aim- for freedom of Asia from the “evil” western Colonian States.
And many of the Asian colonian states and its NAtional leaders ( for instance in Birma) have meeted the Japanes as a “heroes” coz they promised them the Independence;)
So the moral is next:The Both Germany and Japane was a good except the two lunatic idiots Hitler and Imperor.
Firsts save the Europe and world from the Jewish Bolshevism. Second - saved the Asia from the White Colonialism and unfair discrimination of the yellow race.
What do you think about?