western desert - German Air Force | Gallery

western desert

The airforce administration geared up Operation Flax at this time to intercept a massive German reinforcement plan. The Allies flew interception missions over the Mediterranean with American long-range P38 Lightnings, and British Kittyhawks with long-range tanks. The Germans were planning on using as many aircraft as possible to fly men, equipment and supplies from Sicily to Tunis. They gathered an armada of Ju-52s, Italian SM-82s and a squadron of huge powered gliders (Transportgeschwader 5 flying Messerschmitt 323s). On the first day of the operation 26 Axis aircraft were destroyed, 18 of them transports. Each Ju-52 carried 20 troopers for the Wehrmacht. By April 11 some 31 transport aircraft and many escorts had been destroyed.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/21649/western-desert

The Castelbenito Airfield in Libya, 1941.