Western Front Casualties

Does anyone know how much men end equipment did the Germans and the Allies lose on the Western Front (6 June 1944 - 7 May 1945) ? I want to make a comparrison.

It’s very hard to put a number on that.
But I think it’s around this:
American army
Dead/missing: 320.000
Wounded: 570.000
Dead/missing: 60.000
Wounded: 40.000
British army:
Dead/missing: 580.000
Wounded: 480.000
Prisoners of war: 320.000

German army:
Dead/missing: 4.300.000
Dead/missing: 500.000
Dead/missing 150.000
Dead/missing: 320.000
Volkssturm and police:
Dead/missing: 240.000
Total wounded: 6.000.000
Prisoners of war: 11.100.000
Vichy France:
Dead/missing: 1.500

I really have no clue about the equipment.

German tank losses 6th June -30 November 1944.

Tanks only:
Pz 11…3…13…76… 92
Pz III…61…49…21…131
Pz IV…203…968…881…2052
Panther…76…876…907… 1859
Tiger 1…99…115…333… .547
Tiger II…36…8… 44



Totals…607…2780… 3972…7359

Be advised that the German ‘West’ total is a bit light on Tigers destroyed but the numbers are not really significant. There is a time lag between losses being reported and then being recorded so the figures are always ‘out of date’. The Bulge losses are just around the corner.
Tables calculated using the Official German records from WW2.

Ummm… where on earth did you get those figures? UK casualties for all services in all theatres were under 400,000, and you’re trying to tell me that the British army in Continental Europe from D-Day onward lost nearly 600,000? That’s insane!

Don’t ask me where I got that because I don’t know it myself anymore.

I guess SS-Master’s numbers are for the whole WW2. Not just Western Front.

That’s my point - they’re about 50% out for the UK for the whole of WW2 for all the armed services. The only possibility I can think of is that the UK figures include civilian casualties as well, which would put them correct to within 100,000 or so.
Trying to claim that the US Marines lost 100,000 casualties in Europe should be a massive giveaway too - the USMC were all in the Pacific.