What are these buildings?

BTW, I know. And you? :wink:

Are they look-out towers of some sort? Because it doesn’t look like any inhabitants would live there for very long…there’s no chimney!


nope… not look out towers…

Grain mills of some kind?

Could they be well covers? they do appear to be hardened structures, (bomb/Artillary proof) and except for one, they are not in a good position to be used for distant observation. so my coin toss guess would be protective structure for local water supplies. Though could also be entry points for underground facilities, like civilian bomb shelters. - Raspenau -

Funny thing make questions when you already know the answers.

I know, I know, they are caltrops to keep the “beanstalk” giant away!

You are right. It should have been in the quiz section… :roll:

Getting warmer… :wink: The tip: time of construction about mid 1930s.

Here is one more:

And this is how it looks inside (a model of the structure):

Well, i’ll toss the coin once more, some type of beacon would be my next guess. Whether a visible light, or radio beacon is another guess. But after that, a bomb proof hollow tree for the keebler Elves to bake cookies in.:slight_smile:

A light house? A barracks of some kind?

These are the bomb shelters designed by Leo Winkel

[INDENT]“First appearing in 1936, they were quickly dubbed “cigarette stubbs” or “sugar beet heads”. Officially they were called Winkeltürme (Winkel Towers)- after their architect Leo Winkel of Duisburg. Winkel patented his design in 1934, and in the following years Germany built 98 Winkeltürme of five different types.”[/INDENT]

Here are some links to other internet pages:

in russian

in german

in english

At Munich is also such an big Luftschutzbunker (a red clincker building).
It is near the BMW Museum near the Olympia Park (pretty much in the outer center of Munich) - but not like others it is not empty and wihout any use, neither it is a museum - has some electrical instruments in it and he whole area is undertunneled - made some problems, when the new traffic tunnels were built some years ago.