What are your opinions about the The Six-Day War?

Today it is the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War

The Six-Day War (Arabic: حرب الأيام الستة, ħarb al‑ayyam as‑sitta ; Hebrew: מלחמת ששת הימים, Milhemet Sheshet Ha‑Yamim), also known as the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, the Third Arab-Israeli War, Six Days’ War, an‑Naksah (The Setback), or the June War, was fought between Israel and its Arab neighbours Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria also contributed troops and arms to the Arab forces. In the months before June 1967, Egypt expelled the United Nations Emergency Force from the Sinai Peninsula, increased its military activity near the border, blockaded the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships, and called for unified Arab action against Israel. In June 1967, Israel launched a pre-emptive attack on Egypt’s airforce fearing an imminent invasion by Egypt.[1] Jordan then attacked western Jerusalem and Netanya.[2][3] At the war’s end, Israel had gained control of eastern Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day.

What are your opinions about the Six-Day War and the reasons for the shameful defeat of Arabs and the triumph of Isrealis?

And what is your oppinion Kato?

Among the reasons of Israeli victory they usually mention the complete air superiority of the Israeli Air Force over its Arabian counterparts as a result of sudden destruction of the bulk of Arabian air forces on the ground; the determined implementation of an innovative battle plan; the lack of coordination among Arabian troops.

It is a well-known fact that Israel had been supported by the US and Arabian states - by the Soviet Union. The armed forces of Israel adopted the US military model and used American and European armaments while the Arabian armies copied the Soviet army. I adhere to the opinion that the Six-Day War vividly demonstrated the deficiencies and inferiority of the Soviet military organization in comparison with the western one. To my mind the Soviet army model still prevails in the armed forces of the former USSR republics and it should be substituted. The Israeli army and military organization can be used as a pattern.


They didn’t do too well in Lebanon the last time around.

They were somewhat restrained by most of the Western media reporting anything Hezbollah stringers fed to them as fact…

The failure in Lebanon occured due to the faults of civilian leadership of Israel. It always happens when lawyers and economists start to interfere in military issues. The key victories of jews in Palestine were achieved when they were led by terrorists, significant - when managed by professional soldiers and failures - as soon as the power was transferred to lawyers.

Terrorists and soldiers aren’t the same thing.

My opinion is that this

The Six-Day War (Arabic: حرب الأيام الستة, ħarb al‑ayyam as‑sitta ; Hebrew: מלחמת ששת הימים, Milhemet Sheshet Ha‑Yamim), also known as the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, the Third Arab-Israeli War, Six Days’ War, an‑Naksah (The Setback), or the June War, was fought between Israel and its Arab neighbours Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria also contributed troops and arms to the Arab forces. In the months before June 1967, Egypt expelled the United Nations Emergency Force from the Sinai Peninsula, increased its military activity near the border, blockaded the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships, and called for unified Arab action against Israel. In June 1967, Israel launched a pre-emptive attack on Egypt’s airforce fearing an imminent invasion by Egypt.[1] Jordan then attacked western Jerusalem and Netanya.[2][3] At the war’s end, Israel had gained control of eastern Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day.

Has all been ripped off www.answers.com.

See here http://www.answers.com/topic/six-day-war

Well my opinion props to Israel for winning against the Arab coalition. On the other hand … they are pretty much bastards for the occupation and settlement of captured lands. Which (I think im correct on this one) is illegal in all forms of international law.

So im kinda neutral! I think there is already enough ppl bitching about that section of the world.

Well I actually ripped it off from Wikipedia

The failure of Arabs had no relation to the Soviet Army model.
Even the Vietamines fought much better then the arabs although they had no a such wearpon like arabs had.
The nagative resault of 6-days for arabs i think was due to the lack of AAA-rocket systems. To the contrast the Israel AF had a lot of jews-veterans of Vietnam war from USA.
For the fairness later during the Yom Kippur War the casulties of Isreal aviation were the mach more mostly coz the Arabs has bagan to use AA-rocket systems .
BTW i’m agree the Isreal organisation of Army is much effective then the Soviet was.
I think we have to use their experience too: for istance the every-year the military collection of the reservists for the one month.
The old soviet two-years system is a full shit in the nowadays IMO.

Where do you get this??? This is 67…the US didnt start proper air attacks until 64. Also in 67 things were starting to get pretty heated. Not saying your wrong but do you have anything to back you up!

True, Gen in 1967 the Vietnam war was pretty heated but i readed somewher eabout jewish voluntaries- pilots who emigrate to the Israel to fight with arabs.
Just couldn’t remember where i read it.
Try to search.

I had the same reaction.

Also, my recollection is that in 1967 the Israelis were using French Mirages, so there would be a substantial conversion training time for American-trained pilots who never flew those planes.

Chevan, are you thinking of a small number of ex-WWII American-trained
Jewish pilots who formed the basis of the early Israeli air force, long before 1967?

I agree Rising Sun.

During the 1948 Middle East War many volunteer pilots from around the world flew for the fledgling Israeli Air Force. IIRC, many were not even Jewish. One gentleman that I read about was an Englishman who had been an RAF fighter pilot in WWII.

During the Six Day War of 1967, the Israeli Air Force was flying primarily French aircraft - Mirage IIIC, Super Mystere, Mystere, Fouga Magistere, etc. France had been Israel’s primary supplier until about 1969. After 1969, the United States stepped in with the first shipments of F-4 Phantom fighter-bombers.

Kato, Answers and wiki are often the same.

Reference your stuff in future.