What award is this?

Hello to anyone that can help,

My grandfather recently passed & the only thing I wanted of his was his medals, he has nine and I’ve been able to identify eight of them but I am at a loss as to what this one is. It is a small round button that is black and red. He was in the Korean War and given many honors, I would just like to be able to explain what each of these Awards was particularly for. Any help that anyone can provide is much gratefully appreciated. He was a fantastic grandfather and his life was taken from him way too soon and we are all having a very hard time dealing with this so the little consolation of knowing what these Medals mean would mean a lot to us. Thank you in advance for any kind of Direction you can provide our family. Xo

If he was in the Korean War, it’s probably a Combat Service Identification Badge for members of the 7th Infantry Division, which was involved in some major battles from the Inchon landing onwards. The ‘button’ you have would have been worn on your grandfather’s uniform to identify him as having been in combat as a member of that Division.

Not my favourite site for reliable information, but Wiki is a starting point for further research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7th_Infantry_Division_(United_States)

You might find this site useful for further information about your grandfather’s service. https://www.koreanwar.org/html/units/7idunk.htm

It doesn’t encourage well informed or even uninformed but helpful members to provide information which poorly informed enquirers, who almost invariably are one time posters, can’t find when the enquirers can’t be bothered to:

  1. View responses to their original post, and or
  2. Thank those who provide the information they seek or otherwise assist them.

Beats me why Amandamflint wasted his or her time starting this thread a while ago when he or she can’t be bothered logging in to see if anyone responded or, if he or she viewed this thread without logging in, made a massive effort to avoid typing a few words to thank anyone for the information provided.

Also beats me why I wasted my time responding, as have countless others on this and myriad other forums to these one time posters expecting others to help them when they can’t even be bothered saying ‘Thanks, for giving me the information I wanted but couldn’t find.’ and generally exhibiting a deplorable lack of ability and intellect in doing simple Google searches which would answer their questions.

Not something I’m likely to do again, after long experience with these pleading people who want respectful history of their ancestors but consistently display a lack of even basic respect to the people they think should give them information they’re incapable of finding at the level of any moderately intelligent fifth grade schoolchild with access to the internet.