What comes to your mind when you think in this countries?

A exercise of honesty. I am not looking for any brainy analisis of what the countries actually are, but what comes to your when you think about those, without thinking much.

My list is:
















-Czech Republic





-Saudi Arabia


-South afrika



-New Zealand

( copy and paste this list to your post in order to save time, feel free to add or deleted any country)

My toughts:

-Argentina; Paradise in Earth, hot woman factory, skilled people, ruined by bad politicians, underarmed military.

-Brazil. Overrated women, nice beaches, 12 years old kids with M-16s, great football players, Hotel employees saying “…please dont go out after 18:00…”, black people.

-Chile: rude people, Argentine wanabees, ugly women, good military, good police, amazing south landscapes, black sand and cold water beaches, rude people

-Uruguay: I am not.

-Paraguay: Former girlfriend, nice but poor people. Marihuana, A country that somehow have more good looking woman that one might suppose .

-Colombia: Drugs infested country, uneffective military.

-Mexico: Bad spicy food, people with large hats, drug cartels, nice beaches, ugly women, people invading USA

-USA: Joyful cammo dressed chubby dove hunters, hot dovehunters wives, NBA, too much hurricanes, gun laws and amendment that I would love to have here, too much aircraft carriers, not so smart president. People that is always looking to pay in places that you dont suppose to. People that suffer in hands of mexicans inmigrants. Erika Eleniak. A lot of channels in my cable system that I have to pay but I dont really see much. Erika Eleniak.

-Canada: bears ?

-Spain: Grandfathers, nice people, good food, awful gun laws, people that sometimes is too afraid to spoke his mind out. Basque Terrorism, Country invaded by black people.

-France: Mirages, Rafales and wine, Laetitia Casta, Paris too.

-Germany: Blitkrieg, panzer, Wehrmatch, my neighbour BMW, Mercedes Benz, chocolate and cherry cakes, high quality machine tools. Autobahn. A land that should have more good looking girls that the number actually coming out from there.

-Austria: Hitler, strudel, Glock.

-Italy; My grandfathers, hot women, good food, hot women, really nice people, hot women, sexy ww2 aircrafts, hot women, fast cars, hot women, and hot women too.

England: Gun ban, good soldiers, Dormer, dowsized industry manufactures, Holland & Holland, the only people in Europe that actually knows about argentine culture and history, Rugby, Polo, too many muslims.

-Czech Republic: high quality steel, high quality machine tools. CZ Brno.

-Hungary: Young girls wanting to become porn stars, Tokaj.

-Sweden: A lot of blondes, Volvo, Bofors.

-Ukranie: My mother´s hot dentist ( man that woman is hot !!), bread and salt. Wheat.

-Rusia: Former communism, people that think everybody in the world is against them, cold women, Vodka, Kalashnikovs, nuclear missiles, self exploding submarines.

-China: Cheap, Low quality spare parts for motorcycles, low quality firearms, faked purses, too many people.

-Japan: weird people, swords masters, ww2 war crimes, Honda, Susuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha.

-Saudi Arabia: White dressed richs supporting terrorist and slaving women.

  • Lebanon: Good food, green eyed girls, destroyed by religion country.

-South afrika: Springboxs 37 : Los Pumas 13, racial issues, AIDS.

-Israel: Good Military, hot military girls, small.

-Australia. Nice sandy beaches, sharks, Tobruk, Cocodrile dundee, place I would like to visit.

-New Zealand: All blacks.

Edited to ad New Zealand and Japan :wink:

Totally not politically correct, so apologies in advance.

Argentina: Permanently living in a dream world, hopeless economy
Brazil: Plastic surgery, drug gangs and a promising future
Chile: Military dictators?
Uruguay: The Graf Spee
Colombia: Helmand without the muslims.
Mexico: Utterly corrupt, without the US where it is would be a total basket case.
USA: Nice place but a totally alien culture.
Canada: Too many trees and excessively nice.
Spain: Mañana. Oh, and even more British crooks than Brazil.
France: Fantastic place with an utterly useless public sector. Oh, and a government that actually looks after it’s own interests.
Germany: Has lost it’s way after putting a lot of truly awful history behind it and the Wirtschaftswunder.
Austria: Dodgy people keeping children in cellars.
Sweden: Welfare state on steroids, old-style Volvos.
Italy: Style over substance, with a good dose of corruption.
England: Lots of repressed frustration. Do NOT upset.
Czech Republic: Beer
Ukraine: Chernobyl and dodgy politicians
Russia: Empire just waking up from a coma at the end of the Cold War
China: Not as good as it’s cracked up to be, interesting times ahead.
Japan: Demographic time bomb.
Saudi Arabia: Horrible place, and the Saud family are largely to blame.
Lebanon: Horrible politicians, although the people who live there are actually a nice bunch.
South Africa: Nice place, major problems with politicians and crime.
Israel: Arrogant, with a habit of boxing themselves into a corner.
Australia: Nice, but too hot.
New Zealand: The Promised Land. Shame about the politics.

-Argentina place were panzerknacker lives,will second the hot woman factory statement

-Brazil decent 1911 look a likes

-Chile never been

-Uruguay its in south america

-Colombia the farc drugs,drugs,and more drugs

-Mexico a crap hole in which it seems all of its citizens are coming here

-USA its all good till you reach past the mason dixon line

-Canada great place peeps are friendly and the hunting isnt bad

-Spain madrid, condor leigon, place where my granpa use to go on leave

-France cheese,paris,sedan,crepes,a historically cowardly military

-Germany great tanks,berlin,munich,bundeswher,heck and koch

-Austria hitlers home

-Sweden neutral and boring

-Italy spahgetti,lasagna,mussolini

-England tony blair,winston churchill,monty,richard dawson, the sex pistols

-Czech Republic cz brno

-Ukranie good choclate

-Russia former commies wouldnt be suprised to see hammer and sickle soon

-China commies who have the usa industry and jobs cheaply made crap

-Japan hiroshima,tokyo,anime and other assorted cartoon stuff

-Saudi Arabia a bunch of rich towel heads

-Lebanon godd peeps crappy gov

-South afrika once british empire now just another african country

-Israel kick ass military stupid political moves

-Australia. beer,and kangaroo’s

-New Zealand oh whats the difference

That is the spirit, good posting guys :smiley:

Totally not politically correct, so apologies in advance

No need apologize, that is what I looking for.

Argentina- Panzerknacker and all the hot models, manu ginobili and fabricio oberto for the NBA san antonio spurs

Brazil- Somewhere down south

Chile- Ditto

Uruguay- Who?

Columbia- Drugs…need a good dosing of ddt or agent orange or whatever

Mexico- Slowly and stealthily retaking territory lost to the US

USA- Almost bankrupt world power, but nice place to live your life

Canada- Nice people, NOT trying to infiltrate the US

Spain- Hmmmm

France- Paris, wine, french maid costumes, want to visit

Germany- octoberfest, st. pauli girls, bmw’s (sigh), the best of the -wursts, want to visit

Austria- southern state of germany? :wink:

Sweden- Volvo, SAAB, swedish bikini team

Italy- Food, roman ruins

England- Indian food, doc martens, pink floyd, beatles, led zeppelin, list goes on… Ireland/Scotland my ancestral homelands. Want to visit

Czech Republic- Don’t know what to say

Ukraine- Needs to run from russia

Russia- Scary government, sabre rattling, about to break out the old USSR flags, but would like to actually visit

China- Flooding the world with cheap crappy products:evil:

Japan- smart, good cars and motorcycles. Everything else they used to make is made in china

Saudia Arabia- Anal shieks, too much money in wrong part of world, don’t take care of their people with all that money

Lebanon- Mass hysteria, hate towards Israel, er maybe that’s palestine

South Africa- Desegregation was long overdue, but now seems to be going downhill

Israel- Great military, good people, surrounded by a sea of hatred

Australia- Home or nursing home of rising sun (based on his comments):), want to visit down under, g’day

New Zealand- Lord of the Rings, too “green”

Argentina-PK homeland, hot models, Hitlers hideout(yeah right)

Brazil-“Brazilian Wax,” Brazil models (your right PK, ladies there are overrated)

Chile-Sounds like a place to go to

Uruguay-Am not, are you?

Colombia-Colombian drug trade and captured Americans

Mexico-Jumpers, small children asking you to buy Chiclets for like 3x the price.

USA-My home, fastfood, States, Microsoft, tight debate for president, just right temperature, falling economy, bush, oil, pigskin football, Michel Phelps, fat, somewhat hotties, and the list goes on

Canada-Maple leaf, mounties, fishing, hunting, trees

Spain-Columbus, Queen Isabella, Madrid, my old tennis teacher Jorge

France-Paris, Normandy, D-day, Caen, St. Lo, crazy fashion but good at the same time, french fries (I know, they are not really French)

Germany-H&K, G36C, MP5, Rhine land, Mercedes, Autobahn, Brats, Oktoberfest, used to be split, Berlin, Einstein

Austria-Guns, tons of Guns, Hitlers home, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s home, used to be a empire

Sweden-Ikea (I think), Chocolate

Italy-Hotties, the pope (his country is inside so it counts), Pattons take over, Rome, Pompey, Roman empire

England-The queen, Churchill, tea and crumpets, mean online, cool in person

Czech Republic-Was a peaceful take over by Germany in WW2 pfft

Ukraine-Where my friend use to live at, Chernobyl

Russia-Former commies, seems like they might go back, wish I knew one only know a Ukrainian, Moscow, Goldeneye (James Bond), Vodka,

China-Still commie, held the Olympics, TOO many people, Cheap items

Japan-Manga, Nintendo, Sony, Overly sexy characters in shows or comics, very sexual country, ninja

Saudi Arabia-A Muslim country

Lebanon-Know someone who has relatives there

South Africa-AIDS, Johannesburg, racist issues

Israel- Jewish homeland, made the UZI, crazy cool army, do have some nice ladies

Australia-The crocodile hunter (RIP Steve), Sydney, Outback, Kangaroos

New Zealand-Lord of the Rings

agentina- good lookin people
brazil- minds me of agentinains
mexico- nachos
usa-ruler of the whole world
canada- snowboading,mountain cops on horses
spain- bull fighting, the bull run
france-eiffel tower,really skinney women
germany-beerfeast,or octfeast,hot soilders
austria-more germans
sweden-blondes and more blondes with big boobs
italy-alfa romeo,hot guys
russia- ugly men and ugly women ,very cold
china-cheap labour,cheap cars
japan-not as cheap as china
saudi arabia-camels, head gear
s/africa- aids, dirty,poor people,hot wheather,loins
isreal- yellow star, war death camps
australia-beaches,life guards
new zealand- sheep

agentina- Diego maradonna and the Falklands war.
brazil- The 1970 World Cup Team (my first memory of Football and the reason I love it), Pele.
mexico-Ohh god the food, give me more.
usa- Misunderstood, the wonderful people of this country are judged by their bloody awful leaders.
canada- Divided by language
spain- Franco and Real Madrid, the Civil War
france- not as bad as folks make out
germany- great people and time to stop feeling guilty (but never forgetting) the past.
austria- Oohh Vienna (both the City and the song)
sweden- Even the guys are gorgeous (and there’s none straighter than me) Food is awful.
italy- So beautiful, had the worst pizza of my life in Venice.
england- I would die for her tomorrow.
russia- Stoic, brave and so badly treated by her leaders (much like the US)
china- Time to step into the light.
japan- Genuinely nice and very wierd people.
saudi arabia- Guys wake up and free your women
Lebanon- Corporal Klinger
s/africa- Nelson Mandela and great names of cricketers (Jonty Rhodes, Hansi Kronje etc)
isreal- Get over yourselves and sort it out (same for the Palestinians). It’s a shit situation but until both sides start talking it won’t improve (like N.Ireland did)
australia- The only other place I could live, I have a very Aussie outlook on life.
new zealand- Lord of the Rings was made there.

-Argentina : Meat on the hoof; envy Brazilian women.

-Brazil : Meat in a thong.

-Chile : Peppers.

-Uruguay : 1974 World Cup

-Colombia : trafficking in all its nasty forms

-Mexico : 1968 Olympics

-USA : Paradox

-Canada : Cold hybrid of Britain and USA with a sprinkling of France

-Spain : Costa Del Blackpool

-France : Good food, fine wine and bad girls.

-Germany : Long-legged, high-breasted, buxom wenches.

-Austria : Ditto

-Sweden : Depression

-Italy : Motor scooters, fast talking and pasta

-England : Sceptered Isle

-Czech Republic : Country divided

-Ukranie : Migrants

-Rusia : More migrants

-China : Diverse

-Japan : Perfectionists

-Saudi Arabia : The Empty Quarter

-Lebanon : Where East meets West

-South afrika : Sad

-Israel : Never the twain

-Australia : Chums

-New Zealand : Rugby

Not quite…


Sorry for the off-topic guys…

what cause u 2 go so mad?

Errr… it’s a link to an article by a chap named Gary Brecher in the US, written in 2003. I didn’t write it.

-Argentina: Black Angus steak, Nazi hideout, hot football matches against our team
-Brazil: worlds greatest carnival with dozens of dead every year
-Chile: Pinochet, Colonia Dignidad
-Uruguay: No way!
-Colombia: cocaine, football players getting shot because of an own goal
-Mexico: Tequila, Chili con carne, Nachos, Tacos…
-USA: melting pot of the world, my favourite holiday destination (all in one)
-Canada: salmon fishing
-Spain: affordable holiday destination
-France: crappy food, highway logjams
-Germany: lost its identity, still love it
-Austria: Falco, winter sports
-Sweden: IKEA (God, I hate it as much as my wife loves it)
-Italy: pasta and ice cream, backstabbin’, piles of garbage, Mafia
-England: people with balls better don’t f**k with them, Football hools, life-threatening sunburns, forearm tattoos, women much more attractive as their reputation
-Czech Republic: street prostitution, porno actresses, hockey hair
-Ukranie: radiation, lead poisoning, Andrij Schewtschenko
-Russia: undemanding people, endless wide, endless cold, russian mafia dispossesses the turkish and albanian mafia in Germany
-China: scares me
-Japan: entertainment electronics, virgins’ panties, fingernails, pubic hair and spittle plasic bagged in vending machines (sick)
-Saudi Arabia: highest fuel prices ever
-Lebanon: all messed up
-South Afrika: highest murder rate world wide
-Israel: bas ass military, most beautiful women, settlers with M-16
-Australia: meeting place of deadly animals
-New Zealand: best english dialect, sheep

Hey, that was fun .

Don’t apologise.

It was a point that needed to be made, as War Nerd very nicely did.

Everyone outside France agrees that the French are a huge pain in the arse and that their biggest virtue is that they rarely emigrate :D, but cowardly in war they have never been.

i understand…i now know why u guys post so mature.
i just work it out
all u guys r the ones that go 2 libary 2 seach on things.
i dont normaly talk 2 guys lik u…as u can c im very unmature.

Stick with us and we shall mature you like a fine wine, to the point that you will begin to use conventional English spelling instead of that txt crp u r using. :wink: :smiley:

Maybe most of us are before the ADHD generation;):D!

“ADHD is not an ailment of the children but one of the society”
Nicola Raschendorfer, german pedagogue