What do you think? FluffyBunnyGB

Maj. John Davey (FluffyBunnyGB)was a site member that recently passed on. I was thinking of awarding him the Administrator’s Citation Medal posthumously. Maybe im off on this one. So if we are all in agreement then we will do it but if not then I think we should do something.

The news if you are not aware http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6068

Arrse also has a donation set up for his family if I read correctly. Or thru another way perhaps. He was a good member since Aug 05.

If you think my idea is a bad one then thats okay. Maybe we can motivate members to donate.

BTW the Admin Citation Medal is really up to me but I wouldnt want to do this if you didnt agree. Plus this would be the 1st. Yes it is the medal of honor ribbon but I cant really think of a better issue of it.

Let me know what you think?!?!

I think perhaps just perma-linking a donation link to both his family, and to a British servicemens’ association might be the best thing to do…

The donations are going to 36 Grays Lane, a house owned by the Soldiers, Sailors and Airman Family’s Association used for the families of injured servicemen to stay in while their relatives are undergoing rehabilitation at Headley Court. Fluffy was heavily involved in the successful campaign to overturn the initial refusal of planning permission for this house, and was helping to get it set up for the new use.

I dont think he would have wanted cyber medals but the donation thing sounds good.

I like the donation idea also.

Yea guess the medal was a silly idea. Anyhow could you guys make a post in site feedback or off topic and ill make it a stick. A like we can put up for ppl to donate.