What government prefers russian?

maybe,im really stupid doing this question,but i want to know:
what russians want to be:in the russia or in soviet union?

see the diferences in the communism and the present of russian politic.

soviet u won ww2,but russia could won a war like it,if russia wasn`t communist during ww2???

thanxs 4 replies :slight_smile:

These are incorrect questions.

The most Russians prefer to have the best things from their history together.

USSR was a big country and life there was better than in separated countries now.
The Russians don’t have illusions about friendship between republics in former USSR we know they liked us untill we stopped giving them money. Since that moment most of them started loving USA very much because they pay their goverments, but life for people in former SU republics is not so good as it was in USSR.
And now people there start saying that they want back in USSR.

I think that reconstruction of USSR is matter of time.

thanks barbarian, :slight_smile: ,that`s a point for soviet union

Dani, incorrect question and incorrect poll.
Today war such a WWII imossible in a lot of reasons. Times changed.
All keypoint and highlights of whole World is changed completly.
Can today’s Russia win war such a WWII ? Offcourse - yes. All history examples shown that. Russia was later in whorse positions but newer was occupated totally. And allways win, not because Stalin, communists and other leaders was -but just because people fight with enemy to death. Technologies ? Look at body counting in WWII. We lost a lots of people, is it meand we got great technologies ? Sure ?

Can Russia live without commys ? Yes, no doubts.
Can Russia be a new pre-war Germany with own version of nacizm and own selmade Hitler ? Unfortunately yes, that possible with some conditions.

Need i, as russian, who live in Russia, USSR reconstruction ? No, i no need that. Why ? I no need pay beggars for frendship, i don’t see any reason to do such things for whole country too. Better we do something more reasonable with own money, than wastу that money with countries like Cuba, Somalia, North Korea, Vietnam and other funny countries.
They can’t survive without us ? They need us ? Maybe better they will stop dreaming and experimenting with ideas and finally start working ?
We wasted in damned Iraq thankfully to stupid goverment about half of our year budget… who need it, who feel better there, in Russia, about that descision ?
We do strange game with Belorussia - and got problems after problems…
We need feed some country like Georgia again ? Maybe we better feed first enough our people ?
I’m against new USSR, i’m totally against new helpless “friends”, i’m totally against both communism and communism too. Bunch of weaker country never be stronger than one strong country.
I voite for reasonable things. Better we manage with own problems first and after it we’ll take a look what we can do for help for others.
Better we’ll work, do our duties than waste a time and lives with new Civilian War.

thanks 4 replies,and im erwin,no dany :wink: lol,how i can formule the question?

and this is not about world war 2 too, so i move to off topic

but life for people in former SU republics is not so good as it was in USSR.

i don’t think so,you know that some of them joined EU,right?

Estonia, Lituania, Latvia - members of EU now.
I guess - soon Ukraine will be in EU too.

Does Russia have any interest in Joining the EU?

Better you’ll ask “Would be EU glad to see Russia as member of EU ?” :lol:
By my IMHO - EU no need Russia as memeber of EU.
And i very doubtfull about Russian interest in joining to EU. Can’t see any reasons in it. Russia have a lots of differences with European countres by laws, custom’s rules and tax-politic and etc… Is it already make problems with businness negotiations between Russia and other countries. And i sure - our politans never will make our local laws just a copy of EU laws.
And i don’t like have gas price for 1 Euro per litre, i more prefer today’s russian price, about 0.5 USD per litre… :lol: As well as european taxes. (at my look is it nightmare).
As well as a lot people from everywhere, where live a bit whorse than in Russia.
And i not sure what EU can manage with a lots of our russian criminals, who get visa-free rights to traveling inside whole EU… :lol:

Absolutely, I don’t see a reason of Russia joins EU.
For what? Just for an idea? It’s a nonsense.


Atleast under communism the leader of the country didn’t give in to bride from the mafia, and knew how to hold its country in order.