What happend on this day?

I don’t know if anyone ever tried to start such a thread.
If you know that something interesting happend this day, share it with other members.

22th of June
1940 -
France forced to sign armistice with Nazi Germany.
1941 -
Nazi Germany launched an attack against Soviet Union, so-called “Operation Barbarossa”.
First Croatian anti-fascist armed unit (partisans) founded near Sisak, Croatia.
Various Communist and Socialist French Resistance movements merge to one group.
1944 -
Opening day of the Soviet Union’s Operation Bagration against Army Group Centre

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_22

23 of June

  • German leader Adolf Hitler surveys newly defeated Paris in now occupied France.
  • Lithuanian Activist Front initiates Lithuanian 1941 independence from the Soviet Union; it lasted only briefly as the Nazis occupied Lithuania a few weeks later.
  • RAF bomb raid on Emden. 185 aircraft of 5 types. 8 aircraft - 3 Wellingtons, 2 Stirlings, 1 Halifax, 1 Lancaster - lost.
    Only part of the bomber force identified the target. Emden reports about 100 houses damaged and 1 person injured.
  • Thomas Mann becomes a US citizen.

I found a website just like what is on Wikipedia.
hope this helps!

Today, 3 Jul, Battle of Mers-el-Kebir took place in 1940. Admiral Somerville’s Force H of the British Royal Navy defeated the French Navy in Algeria. 1,297 French sailors died.


[LEFT]July 3rd
[b] In the area of German Army Group North, clear weather permits the Luftwaffe to provide close air support again. The German 41st Panzer Corps (Panzer Group 4) makes good progress against the relatively weak forces of the Soviet 1st Mechanized Corps, and two reserve rifle corps, of the Soviet Northwest Front (Sobennikov). Meanwhile, in the area of Army Group Center, elements of German 9th and 2nd Armies eliminate the resistance of Soviet forces trapped in the Bialystok pocket.Stalin broadcasts for the first time since the German invasion. The reason for his delay in responding is not clear. He calls for total effort and a policy of scorched earth before the German advance, and guerilla warfare in their rear. He also defends the 1939 non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany on the grounds of his desire for peace. The broadcast is the first of many to emphasize patriotic nationalism.

[/b] 1942
The New Zealand 2nd Division and their supporting artillery almost destroy the Italian Ariete Division attacking toward Alam Nayil.
[b] Soviet forces of the 1st and 3rd Belorussian Fronts complete the capture of Minsk. German forces of the 4th Army, which has been pinned by 2nd Belorussian Front, are now trapped east of the city. German casualties and equipment losses are severe. Most of the forces of German Army Group Center are in disarray.

The information is from: http:///bkportal.com/default.asp

July 4th
[b]In the north, Ostrov (southeast of Lake Peipus in Russia) falls to forces of the German 41st Panzer Corps (Panzer Group 4).

[/b] 1942
[b]The siege of Sevastopol ends with massive Soviet losses. The Germans take 90,000 prisoners. The Germans have a total of 24,000 casualties.

[/b] 1943
Southern Sector
In preparation for the start of Operation Citadel the next day, the objective in the southern sector is to secure the high ground in front of the start positions. 4th Panzer Army has 916 combat-ready tanks and guns. 2nd SS Panzer has 470 and 48th Panzer 446.
02:30 2.SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler reaches preparation areas.
02:45 Stuka attack for Gross Deutschland and 11th PzD at Butovo.
02:45 1.LSSAH reach their preparation area.
03:00 Artillery bombardment starts.
16:45 11Pz takes high ground E of Butovo.
21:25 I/1. and II/2.LSSAH caught by artillery in assembly areas. Casualties are minor.
22:30 6Gds Army cuts in counter-bombardment.
23:15 Attack on Russian outpost positions started by 1. and 2.LSSAH.
[b]By midnight, the 3rd PzD finally reach their objective of Gertsovka.

[/b] 1944
The Soviet 1st Baltic Front launches attacks on the right flank of German Army Group North. Polotsk is captured.[b] Attacks by the US 7th and 8th Corps (parts of US 1st Army) continue. The Canadian 3rd Division (part of British 2nd Army) captures the village of Carpiquet, west of Caen, but cannot secure the airfield.

This information is from: [/b]http://bkportal.com/default.asp

Outerheaven just curious but is there some reason while you must always type in BOLD???

No, there is no reason. I just like the way it looks. If it bothers people I’ll stop.

Not really a problem but most are just used to the bold when people are really trying to make a point.

[LEFT]July 5th
Kursk, July 5th
Northern Sector
As a result of prisoner statements the Russians are alerted to the fact that the Germans will launch Operation Citadel on the morning of the 5th. Rokossovsky issues the necessary orders for the implementation of counter preparations.
At first light, engineers sent out to gap minefields discover how complex the Soviets have sown them, with one ten-man team lifting 2,700 mines in five hours.
02:20 Soviet artillery assault begins against known German positions, delaying the planned launch time for the assault in the north.
Early in the morning, German Freya radar reports the approach of large groups of enemy aircraft with the intention of destroying the Luftwaffe on the ground. Flying in rigid formation, the Soviet groups are decimated, with First Air Dvision shooting down around 120 aircraft in the north.
04:25 More than 150 German bombers escorted by 50 to 60 fighters strike Soviet positions across the entire front. This initial assault was followed by waves of bombers striking every 15 minutes.
04:30 Ninth Germany Army begin their own eight minute artillery preparation, focusing on the first four kilometres of Soviet defence
05:30 German infantry committed along a 25-mile front.
06:20 To the right of the 20th Panzer Division, 6th Infantry Division goes into action along the valley of the Oka.
09:00 First Soviet trench lines breached by the 20th Panzer Divisions Mark III and IV panzers.
12:00 Tigers of the 1st and 2nd Companies of Heavy Panzer Battalion 505 take the village of Butyrki.
Late afternoon - elements of the 86th Infantry Division, supported by a regiment from the 18th Pz Division and Elefants from the 643rd and 654th Antitank Detachment reach the outskirts of Ponyri.
By the end of the day of the 5th, Models forces have broken into the first defensive belt between the Soviet 70th and 13th Armies.
Southern Sector
00:35 SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler units report they are in their assembly areas.
01:20 II/2 LSSAH assaults and takes hill 228.6.
01:30 Brief Russian artillery bombardment catches 2/D.SS Das Reich in their assembly areas.
01:33 1.LSSAH reports capture of hills west of Jachontov.
02:00 III/D.SSDR infiltrates Russian positions.
02:15 Counter-attack against LSSAH on hill 228.6 fails.
02:45 III/D.SSDR units take initial objective - Jakontov.
03:00 1. and 2.LSSAH move off for main assault.
03:00 D.SSDR moves off for main assault.
03:15 Artillery preparation lasting 50 minutes along the LSSAH front.
03:15 LSSAH StuGAbt and Tiger company move off.
03:30 Start time for air attacks.
03:50 Stuka attack on hill 220.5 on the LSSAH front lasting 15 mins.
04:05 LSSAH main assault starts.
04:10 Mass bombardment of Russian positions between Gertsovka and Belgorod; lasts 50 minutes.
05:00 Main German effort commences.
05:30 6th Guards Army reports heavy infantry and tank attacks.
06:00 SSDR main effort starts.
06:05 III/D.SSDR hit by Russian artillery bombardment near Beresov.
08:00 Stuka attack on Beresov in front of SSDR.
08:15 SSDR storms Beresov from N; heavy fighting.
09:00 Gross Deutschland loses 36 tanks stuck in minefields on approach to Cherkasskoye.
11:45 2.LSSAH finally takes hill 220.5.
12:00 2.LSSAH takes hill 217.1, 800m NE of 220.5.
12:00 1.LSSAH assaults and takes hill 224.2.
12:00 III/D.SSDR fails in attempt to capture hill 233 6Km N of Beresov.
12:30 2.LSSAH assaults hill 215.4 - 2.5Km S of Bykowka; bitter fighting ensues.
14:30 Pz.LSSAH ordered to move up, attack past Jakowlevo and cross the Psel.
16:00 I/D.SSDR takes hill 233.
16:00 Attack by Pz.SSDR cancelled due to heavy minefields north of Beresov.
16:15 1.LSSAH reaches E side of Bykowka.
16:30 Vatutin orders Katukov to move 6T, 3M Corps to cover Oboyan; 5GT, 2GIT to move east of Luchki to attack towards Belgorod.
16:30 2.LSSAH drives on through Bykowka to come level with 1.LSSAH.
18:00 Pz.LSSAH starts assault towards Jakovlevo; AT positions halt the advance.
18:10 1. and 2.LSSAH move 1Km north of Bykowka, taking Kosimo-Demjanowka and hill 234.8 and stop there.
19:40 Vatutin reinforces 7G Army with 3 RDs of 35G Corps to cover Korocha axis.
20:00 GD finally takes Cherkasskoye; 11 Pz moves 5 miles up road towards Oboyan.
20:00 3 Pz storms Korovino; 3rd PzD armour moves on 2 miles to Krasny Pochinok.
Toward the end of the day of the 5th 255th 332nd Infantry Divisions move up on the flank of 3rd PzD, a total of 6 miles into Russian defences.

This information is from:http://bkportal.com/default.asp

Tomorrow, 7 Jul, marks the anniversary of the Japanese invasion of China with the Lugou Bridge Incident. On that date in 1937, Japanese troops violated Chinese territory on the excuse of of a missing soldier, and pulled China into WW2.


Tomorrow, 10 Jul, marks the day when Operation Husky was launched. The operation landed Allied troops on the island of Sicily. By the next month, all of Sicily were under Allied control, tremendously damaging Benito Mussolini’s credibility and very soon led to a coup d’etat against him.


Am I the only one keeping this thread alive? Well, I shall continue the attempt :slight_smile:

Today in 1945, the USS Indianapolis was sunk by two torpedoes from a Japanese submarine. She was sunk merely four days after completing a mission to deliver critical atomic bomb components, including a radioactive core, to the new American base at Tinian. Imagine if luck was really truly on the Japanese side and allowed I-58 to find the American cruiser more than four days before she did!?!


Tomorrow 1 of August. 62-nd Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising.

At the end of July of 1944, Poland is in its fifth year of German occupation. On the eastern front, German armies are in full retreat suffering from the Red Army’s spring offensive which is approaching Warsaw’s eastern suburbs. The liberation of Poland’s capital seems to be within reach.
General ‘Bor’ Komorowski, commander of the Polish Underground Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK), sets the beginning of the uprising in Warsaw against the German occupying forces at ‘W-hour’; 5:00 p.m. on August 1, 1944. The uprising is expected to last about a week and have the character of mopping up and disarming operation. The insurgents, however, are unaware that the Germans have decided to defend ‘fortress’ Warsaw and to counter-attack Red Army forces to the east of the city.

Warsaw’s insurgents an estimated 40,000 soldiers, including 4,000 women, have only enough weapons for 2,500 fighters. They are facing a 15,000-strong German garrison which will grow to a force of 30,000, armed with tanks, planes, and artillery.

Before ‘W-Hour’ (W for wybuch, outbreak in Polish), thousands of mobilized Home Army soldiers are moving into their planned concentration points. In several City Centre, Wola and Zoliborz locations, the fighting begins ahead of schedule.
Insurgents attack 180 German military installations and the town’s key strategic positions. After bloody battles, their attacks upon the bridges, airports, train stations and main military and police installations are repelled.

However, significant areas of the city’s left bank districts are captured including: the Prudential high-rise building, the main post office, and the state mint. Gas, electric, and water works are in Polish hands. The Warsaw Power Plant in the Riverside district will be restored to operation providing electrical power for hospitals, printing presses, weapon production facilities, and other services until September, 1944. Communication through the crucial west-east front supplying arteries is severed.

In Wola, insurgents capture a large Waffen-SS food and military uniforms warehouse. Many Polish units chose to wear these uniforms embellished with white and red armbands to represent the national colors. The first day of fighting killed 2,000 insurgents and 500 Germans. At nightfall, a network of street barricades is constructed, blocking the most of the city’s arteries.

The first issue of Information Bulletin (Biuletyn Informacyjny) newspaper is published. Overall, over 130 different newspapers and periodicals are published in Warsaw during the Uprising.

The Soviet eastern front offensive stops within twelve miles of Praga, the suburb on Warsaw’s right bank; it will not resume until September 11, 1944. The Soviet air force abandons the skies over Warsaw to the Luftwaffe.

From http://www.warsawuprising.com/

This account cover first two days of the Uprising.


Thanks Lancer, that was a good read about the Warsaw Uprising. By the way, my colleague John Radzilowski, a university professor, wrote an article on the Warsaw Uprising for WW2DB here, which hopefully may shed some additional light on the event as well.


Beyond the implications of it as a WW2 event, the Warsaw Uprising was also a major event of the Cold War. It really gave a window for the Western Allies to see the ambitions of Joseph Stalin.

Hi temujin77,

Nice work of John Radzxilowski. I can understand a bit of a simplification neccessary in a short article.
I spotted something:
“After the first weeks of failing to retake the city, the Germans began to remove some of the more thuggish police units and bring in regular combat units backed by dive bombers, tanks, artillery, and railroad artillery. The infamous Kaminski brigade made up of Soviet deserters, responsible for the mass murder of tens of thousands of civilians was relocated to the Kampinos Forest outside the city. On the night of September 2, local AK forces slipped into the brigade’s compound and tossed hundreds of grenades and petrol bombs into their barracks, virtually annihilating the unit.”

I never heard about this action… Can you ask him abouth some sources?



Congrats to your colleague on a very good article! I found it very interesting.

Lancer44 and SS Tiger, I’ll forward your compliments to John, I’m sure he will appreciate it very much.

Lancer44, Wikipedia has a pretty good brief on the Kaminski Brigade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaminski_Brigade which includes a note on their horrendous involvement in the Warsaw Uprising. Take a look at that first, and hopefully I’ll be able to follow up with more on the brigade from John soon.

John got back to me and answered some questions about the Kaminski Brigade: “The incident in question is best described (in English) in Richard Lukas, Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles under German Occupation, 1939-1944 (University of Kentucky Press), pgs. 194-206, which provides a more detailed sketch of Kaminski’s and Dirlewanger’s careers and the nature of their units.” He didn’t go into a lot of detail, but definitely sounds like Lt. Col. Adolf Pilch and his men of the Home Army men gave those Kaminski Brigade bandits sheer hell that night. I think I might just pick up that book some time, sounds very interesting.

Many thanks temujin77! Say warm hello to John.
I got it now.
Excellent account of this action is here: http://wilk.wpk.p.lodz.pl/~whatfor/rona.htm

Unfortunately only in polish… but definitely worth viewing.
Even without ability to read you’ll see the extent of Russian involvement in Warsaw.

BTW Adolf Pilch “Dolina” was second lieutenant.

