What happened?

Earlier this evening the site went all pete tong and I was redirected to some advert site. What on earth happened? Was the site a victim of hackers or was it some sort of crazy upgrade?

I think something evil our way came, I would like to hear the story though, perhaps the Lord high Admins will tell us about it.

Sadly the place was hacked, check the email you registered on this site with and you might have gotten an email or two with that adf.ly link in them. Glad to see everything is getting back to normal and hopefully no serious damage was done.
Nice job Procyon, fast too.

I did get that email,didnt open it. and if anyone else finds it, don’t open it, or you might find some type of nasty surprise. it did not originate with the owner, or staff. If you did open it, what happened?

Yep, I got two emails about it. One had a link, which I did not click on, and the other mentioned MetroWiki.com. I did a Google search on it and immediately knew it was bogus. So, no harm to me. Although, it’s been awhile since I have posted here, I had to reset my password. I plan on being a bit more active here now.




The one with the link redirects here through the pay site, it’s the same link that covered this site earlier.
There were no attachments so they are clean, same as if sent from here but that link will only help the hacker if you click it.

Just to be safe, everyone should change their passwords.

Agreed, it is a wise thing to do, so far, no one knows how deep into the system they got. You all might consider changing any other sensitive passwords you use.

Uh… PMs are kinda messed up… It shows a PM that I responded to as unread…

Then read it again, :wink:

Got a weird email to…it looked suspicious, so i just deleted it…no harm done.

What a bunch of rotters, I hope someone hacks their poxy site.

Allegedly some folks got odd emails including slander etc.
Is it just me or did the site slow down enormously?

Sorry about that guys! Whoever did this did a bunch of other things as well such as sending spam. I received a lot of help from my host, so most of the credit should go to them.

No need for you to apologise, one rather hopes some form of Karmic justice is meted out to the rotters who did this to the site.

Btw the backup is a bit older, so that’s why you see unread PMs and also some threads are gone.

I received, yesterday late evening, the same E-Mail and the same message that downwithpeace had. I’ve been trying many times to send some PM or E-Mails (from picture section), but with no result… Everytime i tried to submit something, suddenly appeared that link http://adf.ly/1c65R, that they called “site sister” of NetroWiki.com… Do you really think that it may be a good advice to change our own password?

I would chap, just to be safe. I tried to PM you as it said you were online at the time to ask if you knew what was going on but it told me I couldn’t.

Sadly this type of thing goes hand in hand with websites these days, credit to you and the host.

Better safe then sorry.

Changing passwords is the cheapest, and easiest security measure at one’s disposal. i strongly recommend it.

Changed mine for the first time in the five years I’ve been here…

No problems with the email though.