What I did was normal

“What I did was normal”,
Those are the words of a Polish woman who managed to smuggle out 2,500 children from the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw.
Here’s her story

In war, sometimes doing something normal is the bravest act of all

That woman had more courage in her little fingernail than I could ever hope to muster in such circumstances.

She was everything but normal, and truly deserving of the constantly misused and abused term of hero.

Its like that Japanese Ambassador and Schhlessinger(?).
She deserves the title hero in every way.

Wonderful lady


yes …i heard that many of times
very gutsy lady

I couldn’t agree more. The word hero is used way too often. For me, to be a hero means that you risked your life to save someone else’s. Irena Sendlerowa was definitely a hero.