What if Germany didnt invade Russia ?

One of the great “what if’s”. What if Germany hadn’t invaded Russia and kept chewing away at Britain who at the time eastern invasion weren’t going so well?

I believe that in other posts we have stated that Britain would never fall because it was practically impossible for Germany to land on Britain, even if Germany did not attack Russia. I think that if Germany did not attack, Stalin would stick with his origional plan of trying to unite Europe under his control, and would strike Germany sooner or later. Well anyways thats what I think.

they could form a powerfull alliance and win the war.

END :lol:

Who could form a powerfull alliance? Germany and the Soviets were already allied.

yes,i forgot that.

well,they can continue allies.

Maybe russia attack britany :lol:

:lol: that means,europe for russia,and then,usa for russia,and then,the world for russia! :twisted:

Not so funny (btw, hi to all, I’m back), if you remember, that Stalin has about 5000 swimming tanks to invade Britain, and he also has a lot bombers with good range. The main mistake of Hitler, and the most imortant reason why he lost “Battle to Britain”, that germans hasn’t have such bombers, and couldn’t destroy far industrial centers. In reality, bombers range can cover only 10% of Britain territory (Adolf Halland “First and last”) More interesting question, WHY Hitler invade Russia. In the best condition of attack, with war by Hitlers plans, the war with Russia was suicidal fo Germany. Even Bismark was wrote such things. As I said before, the Europe must build golden statue of Hitler, because he save Europe from Stalin’s invasion.

Yes that’s true but he lost becouse RAF have very good pilots and fighters ,germans bombers are destroyd over the atlantic ,and RAF have american’s help,.

I can’t understimate RAF pilots. Britain had a good pilots and good planes, but even best pilots are nothing without planes. If Hitler had a bombers with far range, he could supress Britain air industry and take air domination. Without air covering, Britain may lost a Navy very quick. And after that, operation “Sea Lion” could be real.

What good would those 5000 swimming tanks be without a good enough navy?? No I do not think the main factor of German defeat in the BoB was not being able to destroy the industries. It might of been a factor. I think it was Hitlers’ mistake by not destroy the radar towers allong the coast. He can then go on to the factories and stuff after.

I can’t understimate RAF pilots. Britain had a good pilots and good planes, but even best pilots are nothing without planes. If Hitler had a bombers with far range, he could supress Britain air industry and take air domination. Without air covering, Britain may lost a Navy very quick. And after that, operation “Sea Lion” could be real.

With Radar at that time I do not think Hitlers bombers would of done that much damage. Bombers are extremely vulnerable, and being able to deploy fighters at the right spot at the right time is key.

Navy is nothing, when enemy has a total air control. Ships in the sea is exellent targets for any type of bombers. And in the WW2 selfaimed anti-air miisiles was nothing more a dream :slight_smile: With good air covering swimming tanks could easy to cross La Manche. Yep, losses was also more than normal, but Red Army didn’t count losses in any time.

With Radar at that time I do not think Hitlers bombers would of done that much damage. Bombers are extremely vulnerable, and being able to deploy fighters at the right spot at the right time is key.

This words right to tactic bombers, like Ju-88. But if you take, for example Soviet bomber TB-7, you change your mind. NO ONE interseptor (except jet fighters) of WW2 can’t reach height of flight TB-7. Bomb load - 4 tonns, instead 500 kg of Ju-88 (and 500 kg - was overloading for that type of plane). What could be, if Hitler hade such planes? TB-7 was researced before WW2, and theoretically, Hitler also may have it… And what the reason to use radar if you can’t shoot down enemy bomber?

I can’t say I’ve ever heard of any Soviet swimming tanks - the only ones I’ve ever heard of are the Sherman DD tanks.

Please post some evidence of your claim.

As to swimming tanks crossing the channel, you’ve got to be kidding - many DD tanks were dropped a couple of km offshore on D-Day & were swamped.

Most links I have all in Russian. Try to find names:


I think, Dani can provide some good links, he has a talent to that :slight_smile:

That will be enough to understand, that your mistaken. Tanks T-38 was experienced in Onejskoe lake in the storm. All sea sailors told, that that lake more dangerous then sea, becouse of specific “stilled waves”. 250 km by water in the storm, is enough I think to prove ability to cross La Mance? Amrams can’t even compare with swimming tanks in water-way transporting.

fair enough - looking at the pictures gives the impression that they’d be swamped by a small wave though…

As I told - 250 km by water in the storm. Impression - isn’t a fact. They CAN do it. But… Cost of theirs ability - was armor. And in the defensive war with German they was very quick lost… :frowning:

250 km in open water ! That’s impressive, how long did it take them ?

Really don’t know. All testing was two weeks, but also including about 400 km of ground moving. Clear time of water transportation is not been published.

Thanks Komissar! :oops: :oops:
Here it is a T37A from http://www.wwiivehicles.com/ussr/tanks_light/t37.html

Technical specs:

Pics (including some from Kubinka Museum:

T 38 will follow :smiley:

Edited: Will follow, with exception of those T 38 from http://rkkaww2.armchairgeneral.com/galleries/T_38.htm

T 38 In Finland’s Army(!)

Soviet T 37A :

Quoted from: http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/finland/finland.html